Haor Chall
The Power of the Dark Side
- TNP Nation
- Haor Chall
Oh, by the way, any chance you could tell us who you friends from out of town are Dali?
It's not a hero gag though trust me when I say the day I take myself seriously is the day the universe collapses in on itself.Please excuse me while Iat your little "hero" gag, Sniffles. I don't deny I indicated an irrational desire to see that nation (can't remember if it was BW or another, feel free to check for me as I can't obviously see my own posts anymore) be removed from the region. You weren't in the most rational state of mind either, if I recall. Probably would have chewed my leg off if I gave you the chance. However, I was committed (and still am) to defending the region. Yet, please, answer me this: Why was I re-elected without any opposition if I was such a boogyman from the start?
As do I. Dalimbar is showing our government has a bad reputation; good organisation in rectifying the situation would do us good.I, for one, second Schwarz's call for levelheadedness. Volatile situations call for cool heads, and it should be our responsibility to explore ALL means to bring about a peaceful end before we rush off to battle.
You have the option of coming to the table and acting like statesmen, oops. I forgot, you actually WANT to be delegate and it is not in your best interest to say otherwise. Be cautious of what you say and where, things actually get around.
You have a Constitution, that by itself exceeds the length of all of the Constitution, Legal Code, Judicial Code, Vivacation, and rules of Senate Procedure in the West. Surely you do not say this is HEALTHY? It strikes me that your answer to problems instead of solving them, is to add to the Constitution.
By the actions you take, you had to have accepted the possibility of a bloodbath in which whomever is left standing was so weakened by the battle for the delegacy that they could not adequately defend the North. Who would be left? Haor Chall, Minnow? You? A Truckler? Ator People, another Minnow. Odd that the three of you, the weakest Influence people are screaming the loudest for this action. The raiders must indeed be licking the chops at your naivete.
So here you three stand.
HC- 220 Minnow (+3)
EM- 120 Truckler(+28)
AP- 75 (+14)
= +45
The rest of your list, responsible, capable and wise citizens of the North are a composite +5. Except for UWSS who is at +21.
For all of this fury and screaming, Chodean Kal is at a -5 for 334 endos
The numbers speak volumes Matthuis. This is a slow motion civil war.
Oh, by the way, any chance you could tell us who you friends from out of town are Dali?
..until it finally erupted in a vicious cycle that seems to apparently screw this region over repeatedly.But how are you attempting to "get our region back"? By fomenting civil war? By forcing Dali to either look like a fool by forcing him into quiet resignation or look like a fool by forcing him into a purge? Who suffers in these events and who benefits?
What other options do we have? Negotiation doesn't seem likely, if there's a better way then we haven't found it yet. Like I said do you seriously expect the government to just resign and give-up? Is that what TAO would do if there was another coup in the West?
Punk is correct about the eventual outcome inherent with a constitutional paper delegate figurehead. TWP did the same thing once ... the separation of powers to the point of ignoring the game's mechanics. Onsite and Offsite powers/balances have to be in place if you are looking for a truly playable model of government. TAO just doesn't see where a figurehead delegate and a constitution which takes longer to read than Gone with the Wind equals a balanced approach to governmental stability. Without some serious constitutional dialogue and even some serious constitutional change, TNP will continue to have this same problem with its delegate ... unless Flem is elected for life.
The system worked fine with every other Delegate since Pixiedance.
Flem FTW.
I'm afraid I don't have Flem's wit, so:
Schwarzchild. No, I don't feel like being diplomatic or statesmen-like, as you are talking out of your anus. Go away.
In the interests of better relations?In the interests of better relations, could I suggest that the Honourable Minister from TWP remove himself from this discussion. I'd hate to see words said in haste cause ramifications later on.
I was wondering that as well.
We also have some friends from The West, Senator Papercuts & Skittles is 'Storm Sworder' and causing trouble on the RMB. Anything to do with you Schwarz?
So we should make the Constitution more rogue Del friendly? Well with logic like that...And many a rogue delegate found many parts of the Constitution troubling because of this. It’s my hope that civil conversations can come about and we really create a new day for TNP and give the delegate someballzauthority more than what is granted in the Constitution.
It is called "insomnia." Most of the better players here have it.A rather odd time to be making announcements and moving troops into our region, to be sure.![]()
*sigh* I know. Bureacracy, don't you know? Takes absolutely forever to get a vote through nowadays with our High Council being so large. As to your second statement, that is perhaps best left answered at another time.Lord Valentine:Nev, you took your time with this announcement. tongue.gif
Think you're finally going to get that feeder you've been after then?
Dear Montykins,Monte Ozarka:Dear Gatesville:
Has Dali asked for military aid? If not, why the heck are y'all here?
Barging in at 3 in the morning...tsktsk. No manners at all.
http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...post&p=12543554Yes, he has. Perhaps before you go around making accusations you should check to make sure you have the whole story.
Insomnia, eh? Insomnia keeps me up until 3am. I blame you for keeping me up until 5am last night.Yes, he has. Perhaps before you go around making accusations you should check to make sure you have the whole story.
That would seem to be the case.http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...post&p=12543554Yes, he has. Perhaps before you go around making accusations you should check to make sure you have the whole story.
^^ Looks like either you've been found out, or screwed over.
<looks around very sleepily after the extended, late night negotiations>TAO and TWP are asking the Gatesville forces to withdraw from TNP. Since the joint statement has come forward from Dalimbar and Upper Kirby asking for all foreign troops to leave, Gatesville takes on the appearance of invaders ... and we know that cannot be the case.
The fact that Dali and Kirby are issuing a joint anything demonstrates the willingness for a peaceful negotiation in TNP between the affected parties. And unless Gatesville can prove it is an affected party, there is no reason for Gatesville to continue its presence in TNP.
may it result in what is best for the North.
In this Joint Statement signed by Chodean Kal and Upper Kirby, this last sentence is the most promising and most comforting. CK and UK now agree on more than just a "K" as their second initial.What was once a bleak hope in a spiralling conflict has now reached a calming point, allowing our region to heal and prosper.
The statement was a confirmation that both sides of the disagreement did not wish foreign powers to become involved. It was a statement of commitment to the idea of self-governance and, in my opinion anyway, excellent proof that things have not degraded so far as to cause harm to the region in the long term. I don't detect a lack of enthusiasm, it reads like a carefully thought out statement of intent.Stuff