I'll drink to that !*Brings out the special pen to sign the "Rum is free" statement.*

I'll drink to that !*Brings out the special pen to sign the "Rum is free" statement.*
It has come to our attention that a few ADMINless TNP political lackeys desire a position statement from the NPO concerning the internal mess in TNP. Despite its unenlightened, barbaric state, TNP is a sister feeder. Because of this one redeeming quality, the Glorious Emperor Bovinus I wills a statement be made on his behalf.
The situation in The North Pacific is a result of the blasphemous and heretical worship of a monstrous labrynth document and the false political system it enshrines. The Pacific people will continue to hope for the enlightenment of the people in our sister feeder in the North. Until that bright day when TNP finds its way to ADMIN and his Holy FAQ, these internal thrashings are of no consequence.
Executive summary:
We don't care.
It is hardly productive to call one of the jewels your government jealously covets as an addition to your crown, barbaric.
No problem. Just trying to keep the peace a bit.Of course, MO. My apologies.
Equilism Statement Regarding the Events in The North Pacific
The Foreign Affairs Chancellory of The Realm of Equilism has been monitoring the unfolding events in The North Pacific with concern for our friends and neighbors. It is our long-held belief that all regions have the right to self-determination without outside interference in their internal affairs. However, it is also true that the events in great regions such as TNP can affect and concern regions throughout NationStates.
Our greatest concern is for the well-being of the people of TNP, and the stability of the region. And it is our true hope, that all parties concerned in the current situation will place the best interests of the region above personal agendas. Our own experience has taught us that there are times when a region must come together and overcome strong differences in order to create a new path that leads to a rejuvenated future. We fail ourselves when we don't change and adjust to new realities and situations.
It has always been Equilism's policy to support the legitimate government of any given region, and we will not depart from that policy in this situation. We support the constitutionally elected government of The North Pacific.
We also recognize that a constitution must serve the region it is written for. A region should not suffer to serve a constitution. When a time comes that a Constitution becomes a burden, rather than an enabler of activity and progress, it is time to seriously consider what needs to be done in order to ensure the viability of the government and the vitality of the region.
It is encouraging to us that the Prime Minister and UN Delegate have engaged in discussions concerning the situation, rather than moving to an immediate state of all-out civil war. The North Pacific has particularly suffered through too many delegate/government crises in its long history. Open and frank discussions among the concerned parties will hopefully lead to a new and bright future for the region.
We have also taken notice of the deployment of troops from Gatesville into TNP. We are not aware of any specific or official requests for military support from any authority within the region, and look forward to the quick withdrawal of our friends in Gatesville from TNP, in order to de-escalate an already difficult situation. We know that Gatesville has a long history itself of supporting the right of self-determination in the internal affairs of each and every region.
In conclusion, Equilism supports The North Pacific, and wishes only the best for the present and the future of all. Times such as these are very difficult, and bring out strong emotions on all sides. We hope that a mutually amicable resolution will leave TNP a stronger region than before. If there is any way in which we may be of assistance to the region in securing stability, we would be honored to be of help.
Equilism Foreign Affairs Chancellory
21st Day of July 2007
Executive Summary of The Monarch:
Short version: We love you guys. Stop fighting.
Unnecessary, but it begs the question of what is going on with the current state of things here in TNP?Are you two having sex or talking during these meetings?
Or whether we'll even be allowed scheduleded elections.Unnecessary, but it begs the question of what is going on with the current state of things here in TNP?Are you two having sex or talking during these meetings?
Whats the point if we end up with another slow and lumbering government? We need folks who will streamline the government and return activity to what it should be.Or whether we'll even be allowed scheduleded elections.
Care to explain how it is in the Delegate's power to "allow" a scheduled election?Or whether we'll even be allowed scheduleded elections.Unnecessary, but it begs the question of what is going on with the current state of things here in TNP?
I actually agree with Byard on this one.Mum, it's obvious you skipped during your Invading classes. For shame.
Absolute power in any region rests solely with the Delegate. The concept of rule by consent of the people is outmoded, and exactly what is causing the stagnation of Nationstates.
Wow, if only I agreed with Byard we'd be in business.I actually agree with Byard on this one.Mum, it's obvious you skipped during your Invading classes. For shame.
Absolute power in any region rests solely with the Delegate. The concept of rule by consent of the people is outmoded, and exactly what is causing the stagnation of Nationstates.![]()
The Delegate's power is not supreme, his power is only for as long as he has the influence to wield it.While the UN delegate may not have power here on the forum due to the lack of admin power. In NS his power is supreme and cannot decide who stays and who gets ejected,
Consensus, democracy, and a say in regional happenings is great. But, the last thing we need to engage is a large, cumbersome, and time consuming process for bring about regional changes that need to happen. I would bet that most if not half the people here feel to some degree that the government has become bloated and sluggish in the way it gets things done.punk-d, the history of tThe North Pacific would suggest otherwise.
Change in the structure of the region should never br brought about by blackmail, which i what Dalimbar is trying to do.
Our system rquires a brad consensus for constitutional change or modification, and it is telling that in his six months as Delegate, Galimbr never made one proposal for amending the Constitution in the Regional Assembly. Since he never attempted to do so, he does not hae the high road to stand on now. Nor does he have the low road, because he violated his oath to region in acting as he did.
I have ried to say as little as possible, because if I hadn't, the rant I'd be posing would be the longest post in the history of the region. Suffice it to say that I am p***ed off at Dalimbar over his actions, and i is going to ake a hell of a lot to persuade me otherwise.
Meanwhile, I have some real life work to finish before Monday, and i would like to be able to enjoy my birthday tomorrow without getting p***ed off all over again.
... with thunderous applause?The Constitution has failed us, Grosseschnauzer, democracy itself has failed The North. Surely even you must be able to see that now, although you choose to deny it.