From The Lexicon

The Original post from the thread in question, which is quite offensive in and of itself.

It seems that The North Pacific (TNP) having failed to get HappyCleanland past our security are going to try other methods!

The TNP as a pathetic ADN region answers only to those that give it a moderate reason for existance! It is widely known that TNP is now the home of a bunch of total idiots that live in trees and eat each others genitilia. Should we think on probably not...

Over the past couple of days TNP has not only attacked our members, sent it's army to attack ours, but also verbally attacked our friends and allies in the essence it has declared War!

I have for my part been involved in this war of words until I was banned from turn Flemingovia who is a ADN spokes person has been banned here.

The Lexicon will not be bullied by this sad feeder and we will not sit idly by while they insult us..relations have now ground to a total halt, while we assess an attack on them.

Our diplomats are working around the clock to suffer their lies and abuse....

We will defeat them!

While IP did not specifically mention Francos by name, if that is indeed who he menat, I find the comment to be quite reprehensible.

If that is not who he meant, it is still pretty dang low.

This debate is illuminating and interesting, but I find myself in a difficult place.

Long ago, we in TNP received a request from the Pacific not to discuss openly the reasons for Franco's Spain leaving the game. We have always abided by that request which has, pretty much, become a convention among older NS players. Newer players may not be aware of this.

I have received contadictory requests on this thread. Some have asked me to keep it open, but Mammothistan of the former NPO, plus others, have asked me to moderate it.

On balance, I think that the requests from friends of Franco, plus the longstanding precedent in this region, should hold sway. I know this will not make me Mr Popularity with some of you, but I am going to go through this thread removing reference to the reasons for Franco leaving the game.

The thread will remain open.
While I may not agree with the removal of certain parts of the thread, screens are available to those who wish them. If you'd like, contact me via personal messenger.

To my Comrades in the Pacific, I meant no ill will towards any of you, and I did not mean to re-open any old wounds.

Hail Franco, now and forever!
Good idea, Flem. Thank you.

Just so that it's clear - because apparently there is a bit of confusion about this - I have never been in any way a part of the ADN, and I'm really quite confused as to how I ever got associated with them.

Could a member of the Lexicon explain this for me?
EDIT: Actually, IP did NOT say so.

Dai-thingy (I LOVE THAT!) added that embellishment to the otherwise true bits that IP actually did say.
I suppose it would be pointless to add "and I am not ADN either", wouldn't it?

EDIT: nor am I a bicycle repair man, which is what I assume "ADN spokes person" means in Insane Power's post.
While I may not agree with the removal of certain parts of the thread, screens are available to those who wish them. If you'd like, contact me via personal messenger.

To my Comrades in the Pacific, I meant no ill will towards any of you, and I did not mean to re-open any old wounds.
Then don't. Don't talk about it.
I fail to see the relevance regardless.

The Lexicon has declared war on the north. That is the issue, not OOC interactions or hurt feelings. Everyone can leave those at the door.
Back on topic... Insane Power is currently banned from the Lexicon forums. Didn't something like this happen during the NPD days?
I thought IP was the Root Admin - which means he essentially can't be banned. He has permanent, unrestricted access to the Admin CP.

I can certainly sympathize with The Lexicon on the issue of faked deaths, though I don't know or care if this involved TNP.

In Lone Wolves United we once had a spy join our ranks. The spy took an active role in LWU and its community and would, on occasion, flirt with some of the female members in a subtle, friendly manner. After a few months of being an active member of LWU, he revealed himself as a spy, as the leadership had suspected, and told one of our female members that he had stronger feelings for her and was feeling so depressed that he was going to put an abrupt end to his depression. This caused this particular LWU member much grief and required that I provide her much evidence that the claim was false in order to ease her mind. I tend to be very protective of LWU's members and the anger I felt toward the spy could not be measured.
What an imitator.

Sorry, just couldn't resist. ^_^
First off I am truly sorry about franco .....I didn't know him at all...but someone for whom people have such strong feelings about...seems to me to imply he was a good man....

I just felt if cathyy was going to engage in a muck-slinging competition all the facts should be on the table....not just the ones I choose to post....but also the ones that may not show me in the best of lights...

I wasn't aware of any unspoken rule....I am now aware of it and will respect it.....

Maybe we should all leave the OOC/RL stuff out of this.....

Now let's get back to some In-character stuff like Gracius Maximus said.....oh shite...I just agreed with GM...that's a first.....I hope it's not a precedent....
Cogratulations for coming to your senses.......I thought either you or TCM might get the bigger picture quicker than anyone else.....
There, there. *pats back*

Having a proposal shot down is nasty, especially if it's a peace proposal. Makes you feel really helpless...


Why a ban?
because i request a ban i wish it and i ask that it be fufilled with out question

the ban is to prevent me from coming back here at all
because i request a ban i wish it and i ask that it be fufilled with out question

the ban is to prevent me from coming back here at all
If you give me a decent reason why not to, I will do as you ask.

Being in trouble with another region, one we're at war with, is not a decent reason.

Edit: I'll send you a PM. You need not post here.
Just thought I'd inform you all, Insane Power has entered his second term as Delegate for the Lexicon. And he had this small note to say in his post on the Lex forums that made my ears stand up and listen.

I am a tad dismayed that Of The US was used by Flemingovia to disrupt this historic time in The Lexicon and that Flem abused this player in an attempt to abuse our democracy.

I know that Of The US has requested a banning from this forum, upon himself no doubt, for personal reasons. I know that they have possibly been discussed with Hers through PM and I respect that. I do not wish to prod my way into OTUS' life, and in no way do I wish for them to feel uncomfortable, but I was just wondering how Flem got into this equation.

It just seems as though Flem's name came out of left-field.
Maybe we should all leave the OOC/RL stuff out of this.....

I am a tad dismayed that Of The US was used by Flemingovia to disrupt this historic time in The Lexicon and that Flem abused this player in an attempt to abuse our democracy.

I know that Of The US has requested a banning from this forum, upon himself no doubt, for personal reasons. I know that they have possibly been discussed with Hers through PM and I respect that. I do not wish to prod my way into OTUS' life, and in no way do I wish for them to feel uncomfortable, but I was just wondering how Flem got into this equation.

It just seems as though Flem's name came out of left-field.

Here's an easy explanation: The individual behind the nation Insane Power is a cockroach.
I'll just put out there that I specifically asked OT if someone had told him to make the statement. He said no. I watched him talk with flem, but flem nor anyone else *told* OT to make a statement, we all agreed it was a nice statement, but most of us didn't think it had a chance in hell of succeeding. And what a surprise we all got. :eyeroll:
I'll just put out there that I specifically asked OT if someone had told him to make the statement. He said no. I watched him talk with flem, but flem nor anyone else *told* OT to make a statement, we all agreed it was a nice statement, but most of us didn't think it had a chance in hell of succeeding. And what a surprise we all got. :eyeroll:
I for one was shocked.

Well, OT, sadly, is treated as a spy by the Lexicons. Which, as we all know, is false. I personally don't understand why they, the inner circle of The Lex, whenever someone that they know well, come's over here and posts something informative, they immediately brand said person "spy".