From The Lexicon

Since I pity your little petition I shall sign it as well :)
Why thank you! Such generousity from our enemies is truly to be appreciated. Given your participation, does that give us an indication that The Lexicon will give in to our petitition? We so dearly desire it from the bottom of our heart.

:hug: and :kiss: !!
The banning of Dereanta for simply saying something is making me believe that this region doesn't believe in Freedom of Speech. I guess it doesn't then?
We believe in freedom of speech, Saint Oz. I can't believe, however, that your region would allow someone who is clearly a traitor or enemy of the state to continue to operate when they could be a potential security risk. If this is not the case, please let me know so that I can send someone in to take the Delegacy from Insane Power. This is, after all, supposedly a war.
Unendorse your Founder, Lexiconians!

*Heft doesn't believe in Free Speech


edit: oh, the updated petition

Monumental Proportions
John Ashcroft Land
Limitless Events
Dalimbar (praise!)
Blue Wolf
Saint Oz
Monumental Proportions
John Ashcroft Land
Limitless Events
Dalimbar (praise!)
Blue Wolf
Saint Oz

What would this petition be without me?

Nothing. That's what it would be.

Renew hostilities, Lexicon, or else!
The banning of Dereanta for simply saying something is making me believe that this region doesn't believe in Freedom of Speech. I guess it doesn't then?
This coming from The Lexicon? From NPD to Lex there has been little tolerance of dissent.
I am rather interested that no official or otherwise of TNP has considered whether there is a way to bring an end to this war
OK, I'll take the bait. What can we as TNP citizens do to call off the dogs of war? What will it take for the Lexicon to lay down its arms and leave us be?

Bumpity. I am still interested in knowing what the Lexicon feels would bring an end to this war.
I am rather interested that no official or otherwise of TNP has considered whether there is a way to bring an end to this war
OK, I'll take the bait. What can we as TNP citizens do to call off the dogs of war? What will it take for the Lexicon to lay down its arms and leave us be?

Bumpity. I am still interested in knowing what the Lexicon feels would bring an end to this war.
I think they're busy getting over the shock of being reminded that the war is actually still going on.
Once again the forces of TNP and The Lexicon meet again in the Field of Battle....

Edit:yet another typo....stupid keyboard....

Monumental Proportions
John Ashcroft Land
Limitless Events
Dalimbar (praise!)
Blue Wolf
Saint Oz
Upper Kirby
North Harmoneia
And this just in from Daimiaena Press executive......

In an official statement today the Founder (Things and stuff) of the Region of Daimiaena ....named after the truly wonderful nation of Daimiaena.....has declared it's disgust at the actions of the Lexicon in TNP....regarding the allegations of one of it's member nations being involved in acts of espionage for the North Pacific...."To harangue the home of our most glorious leader..Daimiaen..whom we are unworthily blessed to serve....and the nation in which he dwells...where we are not worthy to stand in his shadow...In the very Region he has chosen to call home....blessed are they to share the same air....Is just puerile and revolting...."
The Region of Daimiaena's Minister of the Exterior stated:"Actually the nation in question was spying...he was spying for us...we are a new region and we wanted to know who the biggest threats this case we were right..the Lexicon are probably the biggest bunch of troublemakers and ne'er do wells that we have encountered....."
The Region of Daimiaena's Minister of Intelligence said this:"Unfortunately several of our operatives have been discovered in several regions recently....And deported back to the Region of Daimiaena....where they have been summarily executed for incompetence...after a fair trial of course...."
And in other news the secretary of our glorious leader Daimaien who had recently undergone a horrible accident involving a laptop that mysteriously slammed down on his fingers while typing so rubbishly was found floating in the river in the capitol this afternoon...the coronors verdict this morning was suicide....

EDIT:for clarification purproses
So you're saying you were spying, but not on TNP orders?

Forgive me if I misunderstood; all the "..."s make me completely lose the attempted train of thought.
OOC: okay I'll make it real simple.
1)The nation Daimiaena lives in TNP.
2)It has nothing to do with the region of Daimiaena other than the name.
3)It is played by me, Daimiaen.
4)The nation Daimiaena has not been a spy anywhere.
5)In fact I'm pretty certain Daimiaena hasn't left TNP since being founded.

6)The nation Paintdrying lives in the Region of Daimiaena.
7)It has nothing to do with TNP.
8)It is played by another player, who's name I am not at liberty to reveal.
9)The nation Paintdrying was spying in The Lexicon for the Region of Daimiaena.

Therefore the Lexicon should technically be declaring war on the Region of Daimiaena and not TNP.

Is that easier to understand?

As another aside the player behind Paintdrying feels horribly guilty about this whole war thing. So much so, he has decided to let Paintdrying CTE. I have tried to reassure him that The Lexicon would have done this anyway; they just would have found another excuse if it was not him, but he is a young guy and a new player (he'd only been playing a few weeks when this all blew up in his face) and doesn't want, as he puts it "to be involved in all this weird personal sh*t that they're chucking around at each other. I thought it was a game about nations and politics and stuff, but the stuff these people are into is way too deeply personal."
He has told me about some of the stuff he encountered on the forums in The Lexicon, none of which I will pass on here as it is really personal RL stuff, all I can say is I can fully understand why he is so freaked.
I will not use the usual TNP response and demand 'evidence'.



The Lexicon is a community. We're not going to apologise for that. Some people, having met through NS/The Lexicon have met each other in real life. I'm sure to some that may be freaky. However, I don't think in 2006 it's any longer considered freaky to meet up with someone you met on the internet.

There was a player in The Lexicon, who I believe is known to others here. This player deceived us for some considerable weeks into believing that she lay at death's door - a 'friend' posted on her behalf.

Many in The Lexicon were concerned and extremely worried about her.

Time passed and evidence began to appear that in fact we were being deceived. The High Council & Founders of The Lexicon made a collective decision that members of our forum should be informed of this.

Naturally, many in The Lexicon found this very difficult to believe and when they did believe it to come to terms with the deceit they had been subjected to.

Many ini The Lexicon questioned the HC & Founders about our evidence, its basis, etc. That was to be expected.

It was an extremely difficult situation for everyone involved.

Eventually the player who engaged in the deception admitted that it had all been a complete fabrication.

Paintdrying used that entirely out of game situation to try to undermine the HC & Founders.

That was a reprehensible thing to do, no matter who he or you are.
Daim, you cannot claim you're not involved in this. TNP may not be, but given that you quoted the founder, minister of exterior, and minister of intelligence as being yourself, even if Paintdrying isn't you, you sent him in.

Given Cathyy's account of what happened, I would side with her on this one. If there's another side to the story I ask that it be presented.
Daim, you cannot claim you're not involved in this. TNP may not be, but given that you quoted the  founder, minister of exterior, and minister of intelligence as being yourself, even if Paintdrying isn't you, you sent him in.

Given Cathyy's account of what happened, I would side with her on this one. If there's another side to the story I ask that it be presented.
To your first point try rereading the post....and you'll see I at no point quoted any of those people as myself...... I have changed the grammer to try to make this clearer...and thank you for pointing out I missed out the actual name of the founder of the Region of Daimaiena....I have now inserted it...

And to the second point yes...paintdrying dared to question the founders in his two posts on the lexicon forums....because he was shocked by the situation...(it had nothing to do with people being freinds...thanx cathyy for misinterpreting yet again...) and what has that got to do with anything???...

How does a nation from a different region behaving in a way that is reprehensible to the founders and HC of the Lexicon have anything to do with a war on TNP.....which has been my question all along......
In fact I'll repeat it again....
what had any of it got to do with TNP???

You agree that you sent Paintdrying in as a spy. Whether I believe it was you or others who sent Paintdrying in or whether I believe you are in fact Paintdrying makes not one jot of difference to my point.

Spy on The Lex all you wish. We'll still continue to rout out spies, from wherever they are.

However, to use an 'in game' decision to spy/attmept subversion is completely different to the entirely out of game situation which I have described and which Paintrdying chose to involve themselves in.

Paintdrying was a spy. In The Lexicon not as a Citizen, or a friend but to engage in espionage and subversion.

Common decency in such a very difficult out of game situation might be the least that could have been expected.

Legitimate Lexiconians were entirely within their rights to ask questions The HC & Founders questioned ourselves many times whether we had done the right thing.

Time proved us right but it was not an easy decision we made and we were subjected to a fair amount of people's anger. As I said, that was not unexpected and totally understandable, but Paintdrying, whether spying for you, TNP or Father Christmas should have had the decency to stay out of it.

Not try to use it as the means to further his in-game mission.

You agree that you sent Paintdrying in as a spy.( No..I don' no point has the nation of Daimiaena accepted any such thing..)

The behaviour of Paintdrying while in The Lexicon is not the Issue here....the issue is what does it have to do with TNP....considering you used this as a major reason for declaring war on TNP....wether he behaved reprehensibly or not.....He is not and never has been part of the region of TNP...
He is from a different region why have you not declared war on that region..???
Paintdrying was never ordered to spy on The Lexicon, and, whatever may have happened, TNP never received any reports or information from that nation, or Daimiaena.

If the situation is as you describe, Cathyy, then, yes, Paintdrying (whoever that really was) was wrong to exploit such a situation for his/her benefit. However, that has absolutely nothing to do with TNP and doesn't at all justify your actions towards us, especially given that you've waited this long to even mention that.

edit: left a word out >.<
I am rather interested that no official or otherwise of TNP has considered whether there is a way to bring an end to this war
OK, I'll take the bait. What can we as TNP citizens do to call off the dogs of war? What will it take for the Lexicon to lay down its arms and leave us be?

Bumpity. I am still interested in knowing what the Lexicon feels would bring an end to this war.
Does anyone find it odd that after 3 weeks this question has yet to be addressed by the Lexicon?
There was a player in The Lexicon, who I believe is known to others here. This player deceived us for some considerable weeks into believing that she lay at death's door - a 'friend' posted on her behalf.

Many in The Lexicon were concerned and extremely worried about her.

Time passed and evidence began to appear that in fact we were being deceived. The High Council & Founders of The Lexicon made a collective decision that members of our forum should be informed of this.

Naturally, many in The Lexicon found this very difficult to believe and when they did believe it to come to terms with the deceit they had been subjected to.

Many ini The Lexicon questioned the HC & Founders about our evidence, its basis, etc. That was to be expected.

It was an extremely difficult situation for everyone involved.

Eventually the player who engaged in the deception admitted that it had all been a complete fabrication.

Paintdrying used that entirely out of game situation to try to undermine the HC & Founders.

That was a reprehensible thing to do, no matter who he or you are.
If that is indeed the case then that is pretty low, even for NS!!
Why in the world would they pretend to be dying?

What purpose would that serve?

Why did Cathyy wait so long to mention this?

What does it have to do with us?
I can think of plenty of reasons for pretending to be dying. Among them is attention: I knew a guy on a forum - he was in middle school I think - who constantly went on about illnesses he had and suicides he'd attempted, and would then get vague and eventually admit it was made up. He was just some lonely kid who wanted people to be concerned about him. Quite a sad story really (although he's gotten better in recent years).

When you reason it out, terminal illness is a bad choice for this, because even though it does get attention, it is a very hard story to drop without losing credibility. But someone starved for attention doesn't reason a lot.

If that was the reason, the player mentioned should be pitied rather than despised.


Using this event for in-game purposes is indeed less than ethical. But I don't quite understand how it was used. What did the HC do? In what way was it undermined by Paintdrying? I can't really weigh in on that discussion without knowing what was said.
Why in the world would they pretend to be dying?

What purpose would that serve?

Why did Cathyy wait so long to mention this?

What does it have to do with us?
Why in the world would they pretend to be dying?(For the attention and to find out who really loved her...)

What purpose would that serve?(see above)

Why did Cathyy wait so long to mention this?(because it is one of their backup distract from the lack of evidence against paintdrying...hoping to besmirch the character of the player...)

What does it have to do with us?( nothing at all....well spotted...)

And yes Poltsamaa that is kinda how it went down...apart form the bit about paintdrying...who along with quite a few other Lexiconions was asking what proof the HC and founders had....{yeah the usual crime of asking the HC for reprehensible???(Irony)}

I believe at one point he said"do not believe everything you hear on the net(meaning the situation with the "dying person").....

That is all....

And the thing I find really offensive is how "reprehensible" it is for paintdrying to use a RL situation to undermine an ingame group....


How is that in any way okay???
Why is that not just disgusting???
Where is the decency???
I can certainly sympathize with The Lexicon on the issue of faked deaths, though I don't know or care if this involved TNP.

In Lone Wolves United we once had a spy join our ranks. The spy took an active role in LWU and its community and would, on occasion, flirt with some of the female members in a subtle, friendly manner. After a few months of being an active member of LWU, he revealed himself as a spy, as the leadership had suspected, and told one of our female members that he had stronger feelings for her and was feeling so depressed that he was going to put an abrupt end to his depression. This caused this particular LWU member much grief and required that I provide her much evidence that the claim was false in order to ease her mind. I tend to be very protective of LWU's members and the anger I felt toward the spy could not be measured.
This conversation I'm having over there is fantastical.

Bottom line, it's 3 members over there saying "GO HOME!" and me saying "But did it really happen?"

I think the word I'm using the most is "irrelevant."
I remember the statement. I remember where it was.

Edit: But I don't recall him saying anything about Hersfold.
Lol I'd already read Eluvatar's post and I know precisely what is being twisted here by Dai.
Will you let me in on the secret?

I should have added the [/sarcasm]

Yeah, you should have. If you didn't... People might think you were [size=-3]lying...[/size]

Nothing ever 'happens' in TNP unless it's proven with evidence, of course the evidence when posted is removed because it breaks TNP forum rules.


Hersfold obviously failed to see the irony when he posted about the PM he had exchanged with Fedele 'I've not seen any proof of it'.


Once again I will say, your attitude to the requirement for 'proof' is typical of TNP hypocrisy. It seems it's so much part of it that even when it's directly pointed out to you you can't see it.

So what you're saying is that my "requirement for proof" of a statement made by a member of my region that is against your region is typical of my region's hypocrisy? Thinking that maybe someone in my region isn't being honest and going to find out for myself before posting is evidence of the hypocrisy of the North Pacific? I fail to see any sort of logic.

Exact transcript of my latest exchange.