From The Lexicon

Regardless of the outcome of the Prime Minister election might I suggest we simply start employing my proposed method of dealing with The Lexicon?

"We Don't Care."

The End.
While I do agree with the "We Don't Care" sentiment, I would have to say I see no reason for you to request that we ban you from here because IP got pissy and threw a temper tantrum. (you = Of the US)
i was banned and i understand the reasons why i took an oath as a senator which i was unaware of the fact that proposals were secretive senate business but i have accepted my ban in the lexicon for however long it may be
I think I know how my name came to be mixed up in this. Yesterday I went into the Lexicon IRC channel. In the course of the conversation there with those in the room (not IP and Cathyy) I mentioned the request that has been made in this thread many times that the Lexicon tell us what they consider would be necessary for the war to end.

I said something like: "Perhaps that question could be passed on to the Lexicon senate"

I have since been informed by Cathyy that the request should have been addressed to the Lexicon High Council, not the Senate. A procedural mistake I was unable to spot, since I am banned from the Lexicon forum.

It seems to me that Of the US passed on this request, as well as making other posts in this thread which I cannot see as they have been edited out - and has got into trouble in the Lexicon as a result.

For my part in this I can only apologise to of the US, who seems to have been shot for being a messenger. I know he counts the LExicon as friends, and I would appeal to them not to ostracise him for passing on a question from me.
I might be out of my league posting here but, Isn't there a saying to 'not shoot the messenger'? I guess now though Of The US can really see who his/her friends are.
My friends are still The Lexicon I will not give up my support of my region. Even if i have been banned from the forum and the region.
My friends are still The Lexicon I will not give up my support of my region. Even if i have been banned from the forum and the region.
I sympathize. So far in Nationstates (and sometimes elsewhere), I have tried to speak my conscience even if it was contrary to the consensus in the forum I was in at that time; while I have never been branded as a spy for it, I have occasionally taken a bit of heat.

And while I can't speak for this region, let alone the Lexicon, personally I respect your courage to stand up for your opinion, and feel that your banning was an unfounded overreaction. The Lexicon should be proud to have you as a member, and what is more to have your loyalty still.
Well, whatever. Of the US, the one thing this has proven to me is that the Lexicon are fortunate indeed to have your presence and your loyalty. I hope they realise that.

It really is a pity that they tossed you out on your ass, OT, but your loyalty is admirable. A man can not be honorable if he is not loyal.
"We Don't Care"

Words to live by.

This thread has gone on long enough.

This thread is the entirety of the "war". Just close it and the war will be over.
I think he means that another "Look at TNP's hypocrisy!" thread would show up in The Lexicon forums.
Really... does this thread have any purpose? If this thread weren't here would anyone even remember The Lexicon existed?
Y'know Fed, that hurt! I would hope you'd never forget me over here... ;)

And I would have to say, the reason this thread has become confused and frankly, pointless is beyond me, reading back, I know I missed what was moderated from here but I fail to see the connection between the incident on our forums and paintdrying and Francos. To be honest, I am sure I don't want to know.

But going back a bit, you posed some questions...

Why in the world would they pretend to be dying?

What purpose would that serve?

Why did Cathyy wait so long to mention this?

What does it have to do with us?

I will try and answer them for you, as honestly as I can.

Why in the world would they pretend to be dying? It is a well documented fact that, there are people who will lie to people for attention. They are not twisted or evil, they feel a mental need to get that attention. Most of the time, they don't think that they may be harming someone, just of the attention.

What purpose would that serve? I'm no psychologist but I believe the reason for doing it is to get the buzz of attention and to be important, as well as getting sympathy.

Why did Cathyy wait so long to mention this? Because this was a RL situation which hurt many players. It's sad when something like this happens, however, it does and it did. I will not pretend to know how Cathyy felt at the situation, she was close to the member, and it will have deeply hurt her. Therefore, I can understand her not posting this. I'm sure you can also.

What does it have to do with us? Nothing. That's why paintdrying should have kept out of it. However, that didn't happen and unless someone has a time-machine, that's the way it went, bringing you into this.

You ask why we say paintdrying is the cause of the war; we don't. Paintdrying was, simply put, the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a very fragile time, I'm sure some of you can relate and that kind of thing really gets to people at times such as these.

And, I hope that Flemingovia, Hersfold and any other admin will ensure that these answers aren't used in a way that will hurt the feelings of anyone, as I came to give them honestly.
Thanks for the answers, Truth. In all sincerity, they did offer a bit of insight. Perhaps if there had been a bit of discussion instead of an immediate declaration of war none of this idiocy would have ever taken place.
While The Lexicon are in the answering questions mood....any chance of posting the actual thread that shows paintdrying using the RL situation to his advantage or whatever it is he is meant to have done.....because this is a pretty heavy thing to be accused of.....

I'm not doing the usual "evidence" thing....I'd just like to know what he was actually up to...rather than just blindly believing his version that goes..."The Lexicon is f**ked up,I didn't do nowt"...
I don't either. Not meaning to intrude upon the fun you all appear to be having, but in my opinion the time this should have been ended to avoid us all looking ridiculous was the day before yesterday. Could we just cut the nonsense, make a treaty and each pretend our own side got the better end of the deal?


(Now I hope I'm not going to get banned for that :rofl: )
Why do we need a treaty? We aren't (actively) at war anymore. If this thread were to be deleted, nobody would even know or care what The Lexicon thought, just like before this thread was started.
oh [Mod Edit] Fedele you know some people do care....just not you and many other people :P

Naughty naughty, you'll get a warning!
Why do we need a treaty? We aren't (actively) at war anymore. If this thread were to be deleted, nobody would even know or care what The Lexicon thought, just like before this thread was started.
If we have passed the new war provisions act....then we need to recognise a peace has been reached....

Although the act doesn't state by whom the peace should be recognised....

Hmm...a nescacary amendment methinks....

And also...fedele could I just ask you .......

The lexiwho???
Heh, classic! You get the answers you wanted, your response, "We don't care". So guys, if you haven't finished kindergarten, don't post here. The reason this thread is "horse jerky" is because things like that are being posted.
Heh, classic! You get the answers you wanted, your response, "We don't care". So guys, if you haven't finished kindergarten, don't post here. The reason this thread is "horse jerky" is because things like that are being posted.
I did not mean to imply that I did not care about the answers to the questions we wanted.

I menat to imply that I do not care about your region, and by extension, you.
Actually, sometimes OP needs an interpreter, G. I think what he meant was this:

OP's subconscious:
I did not mean to imply that I did not care about the answers to the questions we wanted. Quite the opposite. The answers delivered unto us a profound insight that allowed us to understand the aggressors much more clearly and, in turn, while we do not agree with them, it does allow us to understand their actions.

I meant to say that we do not much care for or about The Lexicon. However, we do care about you. We love you. You're the only sane one in the bunch.

<3 Hugs and kisses <3

In other news....

oh f**k off Fedele you know some people do care....just not you and many other people

Perhaps a few in The Lexicon care but, outside of the cocoon, nobody much cares or even pays any attention (TNP included).
This has got to be first in history: The Lexicon delares war and then never showed up. :blink:

I think I've been called out in bar room brawls where the end result was the same.

I say we issue a "Declaration of Peace" detailing the end of hostilities against the TNP because the delcaring entity, The Lexicon, never showed up to make war. Short, simple and to the point. And it makes them look like the north end of a horse going south.
I would have thought IP and Cathyy would have at least tried something noteable but so far I have been proven wrong.