Today I am mainly wearing

A pink floyd t-shirt, (one of the two dark side of the moon ones I have, they were both gifts! :P ) Khaki shorts, and no shoes. These days i'm either barefoot or in my Keene sandals. Barefoot is nice.
My grey Pink Floyd Animals t-shirt that my friend Seth gave to me for my birthday. It's vintage, and I love it. Some jeans that are too big, which is annoying. I have to like, hold them up when I walk, because they keep falling down these days, and I have no money for new ones. And my new pink crocs. I think I might have to get a pair of these in every color, they're so comfy. And my standard bracelet collection (they're all plasic cheapo ones, black, pink, purple, and the "I <3 Pirates" rubber bandlet.) And my Fossil "Princess" watch that Andrea bought me so we'd be matching, because we're just cheesy enough to be that way. And a rather grim expression, because I don't want to go to the dentist. And some headphones. Big ones. Big, noise-cancelling, obnoxious headphones.
Splinter Cell shirt, khaki shorts, Converse high-tops.

And an intense excitement for the World Cup to start, dammit!
dark grey dress pants with a light pinstripe, a batman shirt that a member of this board gave me and a brown and orange houndstooth sweater
different pinstripe pants, a stripey green and brown shirt and a black tracksuit jacket, with lightning bolts on it