Describe the Person Above You

^ is stating that the smileys mean, "A ninja blew soap bubbles and was tapped on the back by a friend. In his anger he wrote the music for a band in which he was the drummer and dress like a stormtrooper who likes to chew bubble gum."
Unfortunately. However, ^ should know I'm in talks with my vanishing people to make a reappearance,

Seeing ^ more will be one of the benefits.
If I do get the interwebs at my student digs ^ will be 90% of the reason why.

The other 10% is divided into music, work and porn.
^ isn't falling that far behind in the spam race, which reads;

Democratic Donkeys
Virtual Boy

I'm not even in the top 5!

< is eagerly awaiting to connect with ^'s IP.
I timed out! The swine. Trying again...

An open letter to the denizens of TNP: If you have any idea how to get multiplayer Rise of Nations working; for the love of Jeezy Chreezy tell us!