Describe the Person Above You

^ doesn't know I already have one. I haven't checked it since I set it up about 6 months ago.

^ the kind of person who can be bothered with facebook.
^ up to the minute. Nay, the second.

And my mindset is stuck in 1973. Like Life on Mars, but without Gene Hunt kicking in a nonce.
^ should know I'm terrified of the recent member of the quadvirate getting masked reven-ge, in a European stylé.

(I love you really, VZ)
^ Pfft. Quadvirate?! Sounds like a quarter of a pirate. And that doesn't do. I like Quadrumvirate better, even if it's not a real word. Because at least that quarter of a pirate has rum.
^ winds me up in EE. ^ does it on purpose, no doubt! We need an Oceania (is that what the continent's called?! I always thought it was Australasia) Elimination.
^ is correct. and i like sticking it too the man from time to time. Australasia is Aus, PNG and NZ. Oceania are those three plus all the -nesia countries and tonga and fiji and stuff. all the countries that will die first from global warming.