TNP Vending Machine!

You get Gary Coleman in a nurses outfit

I insert the theory of relativity in dutch
You get a crappy sitcom featuring a crappy ex-comedian

I insert a bottle of whisky and 3 pennies
You get the bird flu and a handshake from satan

I insert a trophy for lawn bowls and three pizza vouchers
You get a plane ticket (one way) to the Central African Republic.

I insert a power strip, a used Yankee Candle, playing cards minus the ace of spades, and a kleenex.
You get poked in the eye by David Blaine - Street Magician

I insert a fluffly bunny and a firebrand preacher.
You get cracked foundations

I insert a rabbit with Down's syndrome and Jerry Springer
You get a picket line of christian fundamentalists outside BBC Televison Centre.

I insert Mark E. Smith, two pints of lager and a packet of crisps.