Checkers McDog -Then not only will we be non-crappy, but we'll be more better than other regionsHudson Bay - But seriously - you are free to start a recall of the entire cabinet, if you feel that will create a "more better Canada".![]()
King Girl - I have had PTA coming out of my ears....
Hudson Bay - I'd never be able to spell 'falafe' [sic] without looking it up."
Special Feature - Random Quote from a board other than CanadaJack Tarr - Would you please just call yourself an idiot!?
Defectivity (North Pacific) - Further, there is a reason that only the current Council can read that which goes on behind 'closed doors'.
And maybe we are getting a little defensive, but the last time someone came in spouting the same 'status-quo' and 'oligarchy' nonsense, the regional government essentially collapsed. This latest Council was the first Council in a long time that managed to return the region to normalcy in any way, shape, or form.
If you want campaigning, try a region with more active people - fortunately, our government and the people who make them up are extremely close-knit. At least a couple of us know another in the current government in RL (I recruited S... myself, and as of this writing his computer lies not four feet away). Maybe it's unfortunate to you, but I see it as being much more relaxed and efficient. I can rant and huff and puff all I like in the Council chamber, and there's no hard feelings for it, because none of us hold that against the others in a personal manner. Emotional outbursts don't halt the government, and that's something we should be happy about.
I thought she was our ambassador to Canada.[*] Welcome to Great Bights Mum, our ambassador from The West Pacific
Quotes I'm Toying with making the Ministry of Foreign Affairs motto.kana da - What've you got for us who don't drink booze?
Dameon - Advice: start as soon as you are legally able.
Bweezy - In any event, my agenda here was to give everyone a reality check.
Daemon - This looks like a lot of drama over what appears to be a miscommunication
Special Feature - Random Quote from a board other than CanadaParrrrtay - OK, and try to make sure you get paid for doing as little as possible while making it look like you did a lot!
Mikitivity (International Democratic Union) - The IDU stands for secular government. We support as a basic human right the right to worship without interence from the state, and also the right to govern without interference from the church.
The above was part of the original discussion that was not included in the posts. It was proposed by Sober Thought as a starting point.
Basically the back story is that we were discussing the relationship between religion and democracy, and in doing so reached a consensus that this sort of discussion should be had in a public forum, because it involves all of us!
Parrrrtay - OK, and try to make sure you get paid for doing as little as possible while making it look like you did a lot!
Currently Canada is in the midst of discussions and realigning of endorsement figures to support the person who will be the next delegate. At present, Parrrrtay, Daemon, and Carbanousa have announced their intentions to run for the delegacy. A few other nations who do not participate on the regional discussion board would also appear to be running for the delegacy: Ishmiel, Meldrum, Jaldar, and Hougadouga. The current endorsement count is being updated each day by Daemon so that everyone can tell who seems to be seeking endorsement.I don't even know where to begin....but..., I will be stepping down as Delegate of Canada.
I have been delegate since March of last year when Bweezy stepped down, and I feel we're long overdue for some new blood. In the past year and 8 months we've gotten a lot done, and I take pride in the fact that I helped to make Canada into the most active user-created region in NationStates.
Personally, I just do not have the time to devote to the position any longer. My participation in Cabinet is dropping by the day. Many months ago I had said that if I felt that my leadership was slipping, I will step down, and I'm going to keep that promise to the region.
Our regional government has come a long way since I first became delegate. I feel that no matter what changes there are in who is in Cabinet, it will remain strong through the standard that has been created; we now have the laws, rules, and mechanisms in place to always keep our Cabinet functioning well.
I will be leaving the region on the night of December 16th to wipe my endorsements clean. On the 17th you will have a new Delegate and Prime Minister. (And as per our new laws, there will be a vote of confidence for our new PM).
Please take note of who will be delegate when I leave. There are several candidates in the running, which endorsement totals not too far apart. Please consider the next few days as a sort of "delegate election". Endorse those who you want to be delegate, and remove them from those you do not want ending up as delegate. I will be removing all my endorsements of others, except for one, to show my support for who I feel should be the next delegate of Canada. In any case though, the decision is up to the nations of this have until the 16th to decide
Canada is known throughout NS as being a region of great political stability, and I hope that the next delegate of this region can help maintain that.
Before I get a wave of PMs and posts about me reconsidering, please note that I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I will not change my mind about stepping down (unless for serious security concerns). Also please keep in mind, that though I am stepping down as Delegate, I am not retiring from regional politics, and I will definitely not be leaving the region or forum.
I've enjoyed being Delegate of this great region, and I wish my successor the best of luck.
J delight - Too bad I can't use emotis in my research paper.
Idunnowhat - I'm thinking my week is gonna kill me... and its not going to be quick... I am about to endure a painful and extreeemely slow death...
Thinking there are so many things I will not be able to do before I die:
live among penguins
eat vanilla ice cream in the middle of winter
kill my math teacher and escape to Kazakhstan guarding sheeps for the rest of my life to avoid being discovered
*sheds tears*
4:20 Celebrants - Thank you for making me spray chocolate milk all over my keyboard. I can now blame any typing mistakes on this unfortunate event.
Judith Gap - It's like kissing anarchy in here!
Beaver-Country-Canada - I'm thinking I don't remember posting in this thread this morning, but I obviously did...
Bamada - ...they stick together in one huge lump of amazing.
Tiny Villages - You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose. But you should never pick your friends nose, let alone as part of your elementary school talent show.
4:20 Celebrants - However, personal feelings aside, I *do* like lasagna.
4:20 Celebrants - My communication skills are wanting to say that awesomnimity isn't a real word.
However, the rest of me is wanting to say that I am so totally stealing that word and using it.
Tiny Villages - "We will take a few more questions, after which our candidates will take a twenty-minute break with a swedish masseu... er, newswoman. A swedish newswoman. It's very prestigious."
Jack Tarr - I'm not voting for anyone that would waste a perfectly good donut!!
[sic]NoFunNinjas - Bamada you are one strange kid. thays why your awesome though.
Jack Tarr - I also think I may need to assassinate a parrot momentarily.
Good luck with that, kd! *big grin*Quit making the same [diddly] mistakes in my life!
Canada6 - :$ mv CRDF_sub_forum_issue dev
Daemon - Heh. Shell humour NEVER gets old.
J Delight - I did almost deck a DOM for grabbing my breasts. He was drunk and my neighbor jumped in JUST in the nick of time to save his skinny lil a## from a public display of my superior Amerikan A##wh00pin' Powirz ™
4:20 Celebrants - Well then ... that is a totally different "Choose Your Own Adventure" now isn't it?
Judith Gap - Wow, this is such a place of hostility.
*sits down and contemplates*
Ah Ha! The flying-monkey's didn't find out did they..? They're terribly gossippy and the Weasels will want to perform a search and rescue...Hi there!![]()
You realise of course that we captured a weasel last week, and we warned the penguins of the infiltration. Those puny mammals shall never win against our true Avian might.
Tiny Villages - I'm okay as long as we don't run in to the FBFCSYBWLBT--French Boy's Friend's Cousin's Sister's Younger Brother Who Loves Britney Spears, Too.
Daemon - Furthermore, I support graphic and explicit descriptions of cake and pastries in novels.
Tiny Villages - The story with insane root is nearly lost in the mist of time and confusion. As to what we are, we are many things that, at times, seems to almost makes sense. Whenever that happens, it is quickly snuffed out--once by a condiment war for which JG is still paying reparations.
Checkers McDog - I'm thinking it's hard to argue with mathematical proof:
Defectiveness rates Underworld: Evolution -Good, but for some reason I was expecting more. There were things about it that just were flat to me.
Carbanousa, our esteemed Prime Minister says about Dog Town and Z Boys:Depends what you're looking for in a movie. If it's blood, violence, and gratuitous nudity, it's got it all. And a not-half-bad plot, full of mystical B.S. So when taken in the context of an action movie, probably 8.5-9/10.
However, unless you like action movies, this one would just rate low and needlessly violent. Viewer discretion advised, and all that jazz.
Random QuotesNot really a film, but more of a docu-drama than rockumentry, documenting the growth of the skateboard culture during the late 1950's and 1960's America. It mainly focuses on a team called the Zephyr's. An interesting watch and these kids really were CrAzy...
Tiny Villages - Yeah, but it was REAL faux victory. Not like those fake faux victories you can pick up in any pawn shop.
4:20 Celebrants - It's nice to know everyone paid $30 to sing along with a cover band.
Jack Tarr- Your confusion has produced my clarity. Thanks.
Liarg - Actually, that is probably too easy of an answer. We need to come up with something convoluted, involving at least 2 or three separate votes over a 2 month time span, interspersed with random drug testing and a DNA sample placed on file in case something should go terribly wrong. Maybe even throw a couple of intentional loop holes into the mix so a smart nation could circumvent something, causing another crisis and keeping us all talking about something....![]()
Sorry Shay, but yours is just too simple and easy to understand and implement. Very un-governmental, ya know.....![]()
Daemon - Welcome To Canada! You'll come for the parlimentary democracy, but you'll stay for the pie. .
Redundancies - </spelling nazi>