Report from Canada
August 24, 2006
Prepared by Parrrrtay, and kana da
Forum (224,082 posts) - RMB - Wiki - Webpage
Population: 291 nations
Delegate: Carbanousa (106 endorsements)
Governmental Affairs
- Defectiveness and Daemon resigned from their Cabinet positions as Minister of Defence and Minister of Regional Affairs, causing their deputies 420 Celebrants and Omnivorous to be elevated.
- Canada decided against opening an embassy with the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives and Economic Libertarians at this time.
South Malaysia, Hyrule's Delegate paid Canada a visit.
- Special welcome to new members - Diemetrious, Freedonia - Liberta, THE LORDE, Redwolla and MinnaCaroline.
- Fantasy Baseball
Code:Team Points Neocons 132.5 The Red Riders 121.5 Nooterland Nemesis 103.0 Canada6 Maple Jays 94.5 Durass Daggers 90.5 GVL Kingfishermen 88.0 CB Abusers 78.5 Ess' Boys 71.0 PAXTEXANs 68.0 Lost Souls 63.0 420 Tokers 57.0 ParrrrTay Panthers 46.5
- For - Hearing Impaired Act
For - UN Educational Aid Act
- Lorelai County made a great post the other day in the MoDB's office party. Most of us actually RL laughed out loud. Ess has been on a four week vacation and enjoying every minute of it. Checkers McDog went to Casino Rama and lost $60.....very quickly.
j delight:Looks like she could use a shot or two of Get-Yo-Ass-Outta-Them-Jammies-And-Make-Me-A-Sammich-Woman! flavored WiLd uP.
king_girl:*sends BP to Elmo's school of pronunciation and he becomes much less cute*
Eagle Bay:Evil Bear Hoodoo Magic no doubt! Cover your ears otherwise they'll possess you! Someone get me a vial of holy water, a nine iron, a signed Tie Domi puck, and a three legged Koala. I'll take care of this bear infestation once and for all.