Where Am I?

Now, a somewhat grimmer place:





Zerstr? No idea really. I clicked on the properties for all the pictures that are displayed and they all had that word in it the URL and therefore assumed it must be the places name where this photos originated. Now, what country is that in, I have no idea. I am guessing Poland, Ukraine or Russia.
Oh, you mean "zerstrt"?

Yeah, 'twas just me kidding all of you...

Uhm....Poland...uhm....I'm shocked! Why should that be Poland??

These are not photos from 1945 or something! The oldest ones (the first and the fourth) are from 1999, the newest (the last) from 2006.
So is "Zerstrt" correct then? And I assumed by the black and white photo that it was older. But, that was a horrible assumption on my part. It did look like a seen out of the holocaust of WWII.
Korinna be correct! Although in my opinion it should be Grozny, Russia. :P

And Josh, with all that modern techniques you have today, it is no problem to take photos even in black & white! :duh:
Is it Prague?
Oh come on, I don't underestimate your intelligence that much, my dears!

But you're right, Prague with mountains like that near it, that'd be extremely cool...seriously, compared to Prague, this ^^^ is rather a village.

Mr. Gaunt is not too far away, though.

He's in the right country, after all.

(For any Americans who can't make up what "DB" has to do with Germany: that's the abbreviation for "Deutsche Bahn", which means "German Railway").


Also, take that:


So we only need to post every single village or small city in the South Germany now. This should be an easy task, just a matter of time.

Wow, you two must have frigging good maps (which you will need, too! :P )

Passau is worse than Garmisch-Partenkirchen, whereas Kempten is better....
Gives you an idea of the direction.

The world leading company in syringe production comes from there...and, in Continental Europe, the town is also known to some because of a puzzle & game (yes, these cool oldschool board games) company.

And not too far away, there we have this one:


And don't let yourselves cheat, the Alps aren't as near as they look like in picture one.

Wow, that were an awful lot of hints, no?
You are an .........


Your turn...

Beautiful, no? (And anyone who dares...saying something different... :lol: )

How did you know I am working in this branch?

Don't you remember (tell me where you live, ftw) the waay too long e-mail (tell me where you live, ftw) you sent me the other (tell me where you live, ftw) day? :P

And the game company is, of course, Ravensburger. Anyone heard about it?

Btw, this is where the Vetterian empire started as a pharmacy in the Middle-Ages:
