Where Am I?

Nope, nope, nope....still not the right continent!

So, shall I give you more photos or written hints?

Well, written hints work best!

So, this city is located on an island, too!

Enough for now....

Or no: it is on the Southern half of the earth!
This sure is a place!




Sydedit: Lemme know if you can see the images.
i cant. but my pc hasnt let me look at stuff before so it could just be me.

i'm gonna go out on a limb and say Dhaka, Bangladesh
This bridge makes me think so much of one of my home countries! Hmm...

The first builiding is the library, right? Is one of the first pictures that appear after searching!


Manchester, UK
The guy in the last picture looks nonplussed considering it looks like he's got a gun pointed at him!

Er, Vientiane, Laos?
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso?

(Luckily for me, there are about 20 Burkinabès in my student dorm, who rock every party here and tell you everything about their country if you want to! :P )
Thanks. Now I feel better. I'm constantly losing in the country guessing thread, though.

I think I'd like to go here:






Noticed my great piece of artwork hiding the name of this establishment?? :P

Have fun, dear USAmericans.