Dear WWW,Dear OPA,
If you move to the UK will you be warning them in advance?
-Curious George.
They should already know. Duh.
Dear WWW,Dear OPA,
If you move to the UK will you be warning them in advance?
-Curious George.
Dear Non-Specific,Dear opa
How do i convince my motehr to let me go on a little trip in january?
Dear Mastermind,Dear OPA,
I recently purchased the Death Ray 3000. What in your opinion would be the best use of it?
Sodding pratt,Dear OPA,
When will Henry join a decent team?
Love and huggles,
Blackshear's mum
Sodding pratt
OPArsenal Profile:Last Activity: Dec 16 2005, 12:53 PM
...aaah, I know how he feels - the lack of net access over x-mas was driving me bug crazy.He is. He's just not got regular computer access at the moment, so that's why. He said to tell everyone Hi and Happy Holidaze.