Ask Opa!

Dear BardSongs,

As an avid listener of Car Talk, I few a few things about autos. However, none of these things are useful outside of the context of two nyuk-ing Italian brothers. I would go for a 2002 Volvo. Nice and safe, decent fuel economy, lasts a long time.

Ratchet and/or Clank
Miss Independent,

We regret to inform you that neither acronym stood for anything at all, and were merely letters strung together to cause your brain to be wracked. :wub:
I would love to know what your brain had puzzled out for each one, though.

To answer your other question, my baby girl is not alive. My baby boy, however, is 9 months old and currently playing with a Noah toy. As in, Noah's ark. I prefer to play with Ham. As in, the delicious food, not Noah's son.

Acronymlessly Yours,
I Know That Those Weren't True Acronyms, Smartass
Dear OPA,

What makes you think I know anything about basketball? Would it surprise you to know that I know how many Supreme Court Justices there are, but I don't even know how many players would be on a basketball team? (Is it 11?)

Forever yours,

Dear Opa,

I can't tell you what my puzzled brain had wracked out for each one. It's a secret. Shhhh.

Also, I'm just going to call your son Ham from now on.


Dear OPA,

With summer coming to my neck of the woods in six months or so, what do you recommend for warm weather ware?

~ BS