I Have...

I have a feeling it'll work for you. If "Kevin '07" can get a guy into the prime ministership then 'vote yes for BS' can get a delegacy easy
I have had only bad experiences with the great dane I knew. Very unpredictable and aggressive, though that was partially the upbringing. There's nothing more scary than a large dog that behave erratically. I have to mention that food and vet costs are astronomical for a dog that size.
I have the desire for one, since I don't have a husband or kids, I know I could totally take care of it. And a dog isn't really a dog if your legs don't fall asleep when it lays on you.
I have a strong desire to wrestle ^'s dog. and theres no metaphor in that, I just want to play with a big dog. Mine is too old and midgety and timid.
I have a slight feeling of disappointment that ^ would be embarassed by any of her musics. What happened to the girl that could send Hall & Oates without a hint of irony or embarassment???