I Have...

I have missed DD around the forum. I am glad he's back and hope his vacation was both pleasurable and refreshing.
I have to say it was, although overall it may have pushed me just a little bit further towards total alienation from society. I have a friend who is actually younger than me who is adopting what he perceives to be the proper norms and mores of a "responsible adult", who went to college with me (though he didn't graduate), and yet still adopted anti-intellectualism along with all the other beliefs he thinks an adult american holds. I have an incredible amount of patience for the foibles of mankind, as I am myself a member, but goddamn was it annoying and alarming to see him putting on airs as a freaking cashier at a goodwill. I have to say that I had a heated argument with him when he told me he believed that the US was the last bastion of peace, stability, and prosperity in the world, and when I challenged that assertion he asked what my education had done for me... :eyeroll:

I have to say that my education at the very least allows me to not swallow jingoistic, state-created mythos. (not to mention my ability to use the words jingoistic and mythos :rofl: )
I have a longstanding belief in the benefits of higher education in terms of one's personal development. I never thought of college as "career training." Hell, that's what grad school is for. ;)
With regards to DD post, I have long ago written an essay comparing the similarities of organized religion and ardent nationalism.
Democratic Donkeys:
the US was the last bastion of peace, stability, and prosperity in the world
Ah, fuck.

I have 20 beers in my fridge. I have also lost another phone. that makes 4 so far for this calendar year!
I have a new residence, a flatmate who I've recently realised is far more unreliable than previously thought, a buttload of overtime to do, mystery stomach pains, a broken record player and big plans.
I have a few more posts in the chamber before it's lights out. (I apologize for that poorly constructed gun reference. I'm Canadian.)
I have a delivery here for a Mr. Blackshear, from a U.S. man, where would you like me to place this "whoosh" sound? Oh wait, it came with instructions, said it's supposed to go right over your head.