I Have...

I have very little insight into my own gender, actually. Sorry, VZ. I'm the type of girl who drives Hot Wheels over her chest when she gets bored. And I can't really multi-task.

Apparently the whole feminine mystique thing is lost on me.
I have a metal thing that came out of that other metal thing, which now doesn't work.

Also, I have no idea how to put it back, or how it came out.

I have a rough idea of the grade I got, A-/B+ range. I have to wonder how people always say "I don't know what I got on that", how can that be when you know what you got wrong?

I have also completed what I believe to be an A+ paper on the legacy of Columbus.

I have one more exam today. I have to remember, is it low white blood cell count and high red blood cell count that is an indicator of West Nile Virus in crows?
I has a mouse

You can has mouse.
is gift.
I have to say that the "I can haz cheezeburger" cat thing is incredibly stupid, though I suppose it's a good example of the collective IQ of the internet.

I have to feed my kitten with a bottle and kitten milk replacer because I got her when she was very young.
I have to say that the "I can haz cheezeburger" cat thing is incredibly stupid, though I suppose it's a good example of the collective IQ of the internet.

I have to feed my kitten with a bottle and kitten milk replacer because I got her when she was very young.
I have a Cat sitting on me.

(on the Cheezeburger I don't recognize the I can has site, I started with Caturday over on 4 chan. where all the Cats were stolen from. And yes the quality of the cats dropped severly when I can has started making their own.)
I have a Cat sitting on me.

(on the Cheezeburger I don't recognize the I can has site, I started with Caturday over on 4 chan. where all the Cats were stolen from. And yes the quality of the cats dropped severly when I can has started making their own.)
I have learned some internet history.