I Have...

I have a job this summer at a youth adventure camp. I have a job where I get paid to kayak, cave, bike, raft, and hike. All I have to do is watch some damn kids while I do it. :lol:
I have a job this summer at a youth adventure camp. I have a job where I get paid to kayak, cave, bike, raft, and hike. All I have to do is watch some damn kids while I do it.

I have to say that sounds great. Apart from the kids. And the kayaking, caving, biking, rafting and the hiking. If we were meant to do stuff outside, tree wouldn't cut down into such good doors.

I have the raddest secret ever.

I have to admit I breifly believed you to possess some kind of uber radish secret for a second...
I have to spell it out for you? Fine.

Remember that great movie, Hook, with Robin Williams as Peter Banning/Pan? And all the lost boys yelled "Bangarang!" instead of awesome! or Good times!

Because Syd laughed at me for saying Good Times like a billion times when we talked yesterday, and I decided I needed a change-up.
Hooyah sounds like a great substitute word. The word I'm looking for has to be specifically for a happy situation.

And I like Bangarang. It makes me feel young again.
i have pretty much no qualms about typing everything i think. i wasnt referring to you making that noise...but other girls. you know, dirty ones with no morals.
i have a great audience, and remember...the 7 o'clock show is totally different than the 10:30 show. Tip your waitresses.
i have it on good authority from Jesus or Ghandi that its a cardinal sin. a punch on the ticket for the hell rollercoaster.