Flatter The Person Above You...

Fulhead often defeats his enemies with his incredibly overwhelming ignorance making him one of the most feared idiots in NationStates.
Fulhead's simple presence makes everyone else smell bad for weeks yet his charismatic personality well makes up for it making his presence tolerable.
Fedele is unique, not confining himself to any groups or 'cliques'. The fact none of these groups want him is just circumstancial
Fedele is compassionate, and he demonstrates this by providing habitats for animals.

Mostly in his hair but thats beside the point!
^is also highly regarded by scientists, though this may be less to do with his intelligence and more to do with the frightening similarities genetically between him and a rhubarb
When an IQ test was distributed to every citizen in the UK for survey puposes, Fulhead was widely blamed for dropping the average by 30 points putting the UK just below France. But we still love him.
^is widely seen as a comic genius in the US, after he was asked to take an IQ test and he replied "uhhh a wha'?" They say his 'impression' of an diot is superb
Fulhead became a pop-icon after a home video was released of him being caught in his room rolling on the floor laughing
Fedele is a hero to civil rights groups everywhere after he had a sex change, then a reversal. Then another change...and another...and another..
I ended up with three of each.

Fulhead is praised by many for being the first major advocate of beastiality and cross species marriage.

Fulhead was once one of the most notorious bandits in the Wild West. He was known for "stampeding women and raping cattle".
The Army once had great admiration for Fedele, specificaly his nija skills. sadly they soon discovered that the crazy arm waving wasnt the result of years of training, but the reaction to the coffe he'd drank moments before
Fulhead once entertained hundreds of people in Mexico with an interesting trick involving a pineapple and a stuffed iguana that he could only do while drunk off of Jose Cuervo.