Flatter The Person Above You...

/ Has a nice thingy under his/her avatar
(the cabinet minister thingy)
^Demonstrates his superiority with the complete absense of an avatar. If I weren't of such high status I would be intimidated.
Prefers a hard spanking to a compliment any day but always readily accepts the latter. Compromising is a show of good character.
/ HAs a cool anime looking avatar

(My username is just a mix of Anarchy and the Roc which is an enormous mythical eagle just like in LOTR 3)
DD looks for the good in other people and, in doing so, is able to avoid underestimating them making his job of surpassing them all the more practical.
DD is worthy of being analyzed thoroughly so that others may imitate him in a pathetic attempt to reach his level of greatness.
Fulhead, though many claim his head is actually empty, makes beating up old women and torturing puppies look like an entertaining pass-time.