
Factoid: Well, more of a rumour that I hope is true. Some of you may have seen the awesome film Sin City, 'translated' from the Frank Miller Comic Books.
Well, originally, a certain Favourite actor of mine was asked to star in it, but declined because of two films, one of which is finished and the other which is in production.
Anyway, what was originally chosen from the series to be in the first Sin City film was the book 'To Hell and Back', which is my favourite book of the series. Now, Robert Rodriguez has stated that he wishes to cover all the books, so it is likely that...
Johnny Depp will be playing as my favourite Character from the series, Wallace. HELL YEAH!
Of course, this could be a few years yet... :no:
Factoid: It took about 7 extra minutes to post on that forum because it took so long to scroll past the smilie list to the Add Reply button.
Factoid: That wasn't me adding those smilies. I happen to enjoy a simple set of smilies. Which even this forum is abandoning. I mean, they got rid of :B): !!!
Factoid: I have yet to adapt to the smilies on this forum. The order is all messed up (compared to what I'm used to).
Factoid: Anything I drink is usually distilled. Theres a reasonable chance it'll contain water as well, to a certain extent...


Factoid: WTF?! :npa2:
Factoid: The Willow Ptarmigan turns snow white in the winter. They will often fly into snow banks and nestle in the snow to sleep. By flying into the banks instead of walking, they don't leave tracks for predators to follow.
Factiod:  Al Gore invented the internet.

(Creativity anyone?)
Factoid: That is not true.

Al Gore on CNN's "Late Edition":
"During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."

"His statement caused no surprise at the time, and none of the journalists who covered it thought it worth including in their stories. However, two days later, the Republican Party began issuing press releases and statements denouncing Gore for claiming to have "invented the Internet". Conservative news outlets, pundits, and activists reported Gore's clumsy phrasing and many variations on the theme in order to discredit Gore. The statement soon metamorphosed into the meme "Al Gore said he invented the Internet!" In actuality, Gore was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense designing or implementing it (in his original quote in the CNN interview) but that he was responsible economically and legislatively, for fostering the momentum behind the development of the Internet (Snopes, 2005)."

Factiod: He also decided to put it in a small lockbox.

"Jim. May I just say that in my plan, the "lock-box" would be used only for Social Security and Medicare. It would have two different locks. Now, one of the keys to the "lockbox" would be lept by the President; the other key would be sealed in a small, metal container and placed under the bumper of the Senate Majority Leader's car."
Factoid - The previous three factoids have merged into a nightmarish vision of product warnings and hidden dangers in my mind.