
Factoid: The term rock hard references the fact that rocks are hard making a suitable comparison to whatever object is be described as rock hard.
Factoid: If you were lost in the wilderness without a light, putting a string in your ear and lighting it will not have the same effect as a candle.
Factiod: "Sysygy" makes me think of interplanetary orgies. For some weird reason. Maybe it's just because it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm at work with no way to get home, because I walked here and I live 20 minutes away and it's raining like a mother outside and I don't want to freeze my ass off in a hoodie and a Che Guevara beanie at the side of the road.

That's right. I'm not wearing pants. HA! :p
Factoid: I cannot stand that ad for Bright House with the woman singing in French. It makes me want to scream, the whole thing.