
I am skeptical of a weekend trip some friends want to go on. They want to go to a city to do a bar crawl. My problem is i'm pretty poor, and there are going to be underage people. So we may not be able to go to bars at all. I don't want to put in $40 for a room, then not be able to go to bars. I'd rather everyone chipped in $40 for liquor (instead of the hotel room), stay here, and have more alcohol than we know what to do with.
I have been feeling old lately, and discouraged and unproductive. And maybe it hasn't just been lately. It's been like a year. And there have been a few times when I've truly scared myself with the things I've been thinking.
I am listening to Arvo Part and reading Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee. Despite the above post, I am educated and sophisticated.

Did you know that "barbarian" was a greek term for foreigner? Because of the way that foreign speech sounded to the greeks "bar bar bar bar bar".

*Democratic Donkeys Gently swirls cognac snifter or w/e.
the fast paced world of fresh produce and dry goods, in which he moved from check out chick (his words) to manager in only 9 months!!!!
meanwhile, i've been offered 2 more retail jobs since the interview with That Great Man. it makes me feel a little ashamed that its come to this