Namye is back spamming .. that being the meat spam and suddenly you can't get out of your house because namye spammed you in and you starve to death after living off mice for months
you have no money ... so the government steps in an forces you to have everything .. you live to excess for a week until your underfunded body can't handle anymore and your heart implodes
I am sober .. so I order a drink .. unfortunately the bar tender slips and drops it on the floor shortly before you walk in .. slip over on the spilt drink and fall through a glass window leaving you bleeding to death
I wish I knew where my need for that stuff comes from!
They do, but its only so so. The industry is shocked, companies fall, stock markets collapse. When asked what made them do it, they reply "Sirixis made us do it".
Poof! Here you go, a shiny new banjo. You practice diligently and become the most famous banjo player in the history of the world. In other words, less famous than you are now. You eat a finger pick in frustration and die.
You do, but all the pens explode in the world, resulting in a bic stock market crash, resulting in a world-wide stock market crash, resulting in you commiting suicide.
You sleep, a lot. You get fat and start to smell. Soon your family disown you and you're appearing on Jerry Springer as they attempt to remove you from your bed with a crane.
It doesn't, instead it plays over and over your head until you have a mental breakdown. The next we hear from ya, you're in a mental institution because you saw Count Chocula.