Describe The Person Below You!

Correct! I suppose I should check and see which thong it is before I put it on.

/ Thinks the color brown is sexy
I only hate it when others say it. All other females have to say Feddie and guys can just say Fedele or Fed

/ didn't know a six letter word could be said so many different ways
I've been called worse but, no, I would likely sit down for it.

/ Would not like to be called Indie Bear
Hell, if I had nothing more constructive than this to do I'd be worried...

V should be constructing, or doing something more studious...
What? Where? Lies I tell you, you have no proof! Certainly no photographs of the event in question! - In reference to Sirixis

Hmmm, yes, but then all my thoughts leak out. - In reference to Puckton, master of the speed post.

V has blackmail material, and isn't afraid to us it.
Nope. But I have access to at least $20 about 16 steps away.

v knows who's leading the polls prior to Canada's federal election next monday.