I Just...

I just waved.

I also just finished a 13 hour day, meaning that not only can I take tomorrow arvo off to go to the Street art exhibition at the national gallery before having champagne in the sculpture garden with the most attractive girl I have ever seen, I can come in late on Monday morning after driving home from a massive Sunday in Sydney!!!! This weekend is shaping up pretty amazingly!
I just wanted to clarify that an awesome weekend can be anything from a load of festivals and partying, through to wandering through the bush looking for reptilia, through to locking myself in a dark room and watching blurays/shooting aliens with a very select few people.

I just wondered whether it was Gretstalker's present that arrived or something less creepy
I just had to clarify to Sybsyb that it was the book that I have been wanting and wanting and hey presto, was magically sent to me from Down Unda™. Also, that he'll be getting a proper thank you email right soonish. :D
I just wanted to explain to Fibs that I would be on XBL if it werent for that dastardly RROD. I'm Radfailure if I get back on. holiday savings are my main priority at the moment.

Edit: Glad you like it poeser! I think my favourite story so far is "HIV INFECTION FROM MACHINE OF DEATH NEEDLE" although "STARVATION" sticks in my mind as well.
I just realized that I get my most valuable, reliable relationship advice from a stuffed tiger. More people should have stuffed tigers, I think. They would solve the world's problems.