I Just...

I just don't think any kind of computing device was meant for sitting in. Unless it's like, a fighter plane or simulator or transport of some kind. Or a chair with fancy electronics in it. But I hardly think you would need a fancy electronic chair if you're in bed.
I, just last night, watched Hot Fuzz with the commentary on and I learned that Timothy Dalton looks right down the barrel of the camera in one scene.
I just said "Really makes you think" out loud, then I started thinking of a Kansas joke about how we are all bits in a server or something like that, and then I decided to just post it all here, for everyone to see, and marvel at and wonder just how much longer this will go on.
I just saw:


on a blog I was reading perusing. The blog is called [you_have_broken_the_internet] and is apparently all about branding / some dude's fetish for men's outerwear.