I Just...

I just decided that when I move to Alaska to raise sled dogs, they are not going to be dogs, they're going to be tigers. I will raise sled-tigers and kick ass at the Iditarod. Mostly because my tigers will eat the other teams.
I just realized that with the family out of town for the day, I can hook my xbox up to the big screen and watch netflix allll day (while doing my laundry, of course.)
I just realized I have no idea where my debit card is. And I just got jealous of IGs Netflixing.

If you're in the mood for something more serious, I watched 'Restrepo' yesterday, which is a military documentary. Pretty crazy stuff.
I just bought it last night, played the frist level and enjoyed it somewhat, but had the urge to shoot thousands of bad guys and die dozens of times, so i spent more time on hard corps.

it seems good! the controls are a little touchy, but its got the double fine wit and hopefully the puzzles get more complex. and the design is amazing. victorian transport systems made to look like they were made for a grade school diorama (matchstick fences, icecream stick wood panelled walls, etc)