I Just...

I just wrote an essay about the shift from aesthetic appreciation to exploitation of nature in 19th Century America. I just wrote how I believed that an appreciative view of nature has always been in the minority since European settlement, and the only reason it took Americans so long to start exploiting on a large scale was because they were under a colonial system which always willfully oppresses enterprise within the colony.
I just got my grades for the year back. 80%, the lowest mark that guarantees a PhD with scholarships! This time next year i will be well on my way to becoming Dr. Syber Rad.
I just thought i would be more than willing to help if it werent for the $20k i had already built up getting this far in my education
I just want to tell rocketman that the windsor knot went down real well. :)

I just read that we're going to have our first wind storm tomorrow. Nothing like sustained 35mph winds with stronger gusts to make walking 200ft outside a miserable exercise.
I just finished my last exam. I just know I got a perfect 100 on it. I just got my grades for that class too: a 91 quiz average, and a 94 test average. Woohoo, the semester is over!