I Just...

I just got a funny banner about Pork Barrel spending and DNA research of bears in Montana. I just don't think the creator of the banner knows what pork barrel spending is, way to go John McCain.

I just realized it said "3 million of your tax dollars spent". I just don't think i've given the government $3 million in taxes.
I just found out one of my friends is a large hypocrite, and as a result I am no longer his friend. I just cannot believe a friend would snitch on me for something minor, without even talking to me, the thing is that he is guilty of the same thing he snitched on me for.

Thank you so much for putting me in this pickle. I am taking it to the Judicial Board because Student Life sucks.
I just realized that the girl I am currently involved with has become infatuated with me, not very healthy, and the relationship will not last. I just love being a sociologist in training because I can realize things like the above and get out before the shit gets too deep.
I just saw that Wu-Tang is playing at Higher Ground on Jan. 15...

I just might go see that, especially since it is such an intimate venue. I just have misgivings about Wu-Tang fans, a lot of them were really annoying this summer at Rock the bells.