I Just...

I just smiled a little to myself. There's nothing wrong with a little schadenfreude. :D

I also just mind-beamed a soft towel to IG...super slowly this time.
:( I need more practice.

I just realized that the power to mindbeam objects is slightly less stupid than the power to melt metal household appliances. (see: Heroes)
I just got aware that I played CN once and that hence even I myself find my question ^ stupid.

I just made fun of Blackie, because my weekend did start 2 days ago already! :P
I just met a girl for the third time today apparently. The first time I guess I was blackout drunk because I don't remember it at all. The second was at a concert (where I was one of two people dancing to some awesome irish music) where she told me I had eaten dinner with her. Then just now in the car when she told me again that I ate dinner with her and some people confirmed it. Whoops!

I just had a great day.
I just got an IM from a friend telling me that my other friend who had promised her a ride couldn't because his car was buried in snow (we got 1'+) and if I could give her a ride. My sister is borrowing my car at the moment, so I said no. Then she asked if I knew anyone else, and I got a little annoyed, but responded nicely that I didn't know of anybody who has a car that is not covered in snow (seeing as there was a snow storm recently). Then I decided to be nice and not sarcastically tell her of this miraculous tool called a snowshovel.

You can lead a horse to water...
I just got back from work, one of my bosses said I "looked like an actor, but I can't place which one" and then before I could utter "Donnie Darko" she said Jake Gyllenhaal, which I was surprised she actually knew. Damn that guy for stealing my good looks. :mad: It also is not the first time, more like the 20th time at least that someone has said that.
I just remembered when I was talking with some friends once about what actor would play us in the movie of our lives. They said Jake Gyllenhaal of Jon Heder.

Jake for looks, Jon for personality.
I just got a killer headache. possibly from trying to think of the metric equivalent of a crate (i think officially, its a gigatonne). or possibly from running around gross ps3 nerds for three hours with no airconditioning. lousy ps3, making my brain die.