I feel FC loses to ET.
Hookogi TNPer Feb 12, 2006 #443 Deikura: I feel FC loses to ET. Click to expand... I feel someone was dropped on their head. FC > ET
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Feb 24, 2006 #451 I feel like weeping unabashedly onto the shoulder of a decent, caring person.
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Feb 25, 2006 #453 I feel like crashing somewhere.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Feb 25, 2006 #454 I feel belatedly grateful to Thess for the friendly hug.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Feb 27, 2006 #457 I feel every muscle in my arms screaming at me. We played tug of war on Saturday night, and I think I killed them.
I feel every muscle in my arms screaming at me. We played tug of war on Saturday night, and I think I killed them.
Namyeknom TNPer Feb 27, 2006 #458 I feel (or at least I hope) 'tug of war' is a euphemism in the above post.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Mar 3, 2006 #471 I feel like ^'s got the right kind of thinking. I'm switching to Brown Eyes by the Red House Painters. Hooray for Mark Kozelek.
I feel like ^'s got the right kind of thinking. I'm switching to Brown Eyes by the Red House Painters. Hooray for Mark Kozelek.
Thess TNPer Mar 3, 2006 #472 I feel like I've got a baseball made of razors lodged in my esophagus. Stoopid persistant flu.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Mar 6, 2006 #474 I feel like I'd like my throat freeze to go away so I can stop pulling faces and making pained noises.
I feel like I'd like my throat freeze to go away so I can stop pulling faces and making pained noises.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Mar 6, 2006 #478 I feel sad that I can't lay down because I'm at work.