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My friend Collin has been fauxhawking his hair lately. I have decided that there are only select people who can pull off the fauxhawk look.

I need to get a haircut. I've been too enamoured with the fact that my hair is actually growing to cut it, and now it just looks...I dunno...shag-punk? But it's so soft and...there.

Being bald sucks. Nearly as much as the reasons some people become bald. Okay, maybe not that bad. But close.
The guitar player for one of the bands I play in went camera happy recently so here's one...sort of


This is one of me from a few years back. Just chilling after eating some pie, drinking some coffee. Note the after pie cigarette, which will closely be followed by the after coffee cigarette and the after cigarette cigarette. If you like em I guess I could show some more recent ones. eheh
It's exactly how I pictured you in my mind, DD (despite the fact that you've already posted pics of yourself)!