I Am...

I am being pestered by the 19th box elder bug in my cubicle for the season.

I am also laughing at this:

I am back! At work! (And here.)

And have something funny to share!


1. During the 100 Years War, God was on the side of:
a) England
b) France
c) The mightiest canon/longbow combo
d) The Swiss? Too bad, that was really unhelpful all around.
e) Maybe the Pope. God always takes a shine to that guy.

2. The code name for the Communist coup of the countries of Eastern Europe was:
a) Operation Animal Farms
b) CommuNasty
c) Secret Magic Stalin Muffins
d) Do As I Say And Be A Fucking Communist

3. The Greeks Invented:
a) Hot gay wrestling
b) Hot gay javelin throwing
c) Hot gay orgies
d) Hot gay democracy

4. The Romans Invented:
a) Jesus! Well I mean, really.
b) Copying the Greeks.
c) Hot gay empire.
d) Dr. Hans Vanderleest.

5. The Expulsion of the Acadians was:
a) A tragic 18th century event.
b) A hilarious euphemism Englishmen use for defecation.
c) A marketing strategy for Annapolis Valley Tourism.
d) Neither hot nor gay.

6. World War II was:
a) A great opportunity for our grandfathers to pick up.
b) Even more awesome than World War I!!
c) A good alternative to hot oil wrestling matches between Hilter and Stalin. But think of the glistening moustaches.
d) Pretty good. Needed more nukes though.

7. The Russo-Japanese War proved:
a) Nobody can beat the Russians!! I mean, oh ..shit.
b) Russia sucks. Let's have a revolution.
c) If you're looking for a territorial dispute, nothing says 'war' quite like Manchuria, that paragon of outrageous conflict. Mmmmm. Manchuria.
d) Oh look. Japan.

8. The English equivalent of the Storming of the Bastille was:
a) The Loitering of the Palace Grounds.
b) The Uninterrupted Misery of the Industrial Classes.
c) Going to War With France.
d) The Polite But Persistent Complaints of The Society for Moral Hygiene.

9. The best Confederation action figure would be:
a) Sir John A. MacDonald with Rum-Swilling Jug Grip.
b) George Brown with Anti-MacDonald Newspaper Chop.
c) Thomas D'arcy McGee with Irish Potato Canon.
d) Sir George Etienne Cartier with the entire CPR.

10. The most useless country in History would have to be:
a) One of the ____stans, take your pick.
b) France. Seriously, how many wars have you lost?
c) Wales. You've been England's bitch for 800 years. Stop trying.
d) Luxembourg (yeah fuck you, Luxembourg.)
I am finished getting my dorm room to par for the month I will be away. I am heading home at 2am this coming up morning and will be with family for a month. I am not going to be on for a few days so merry christmas to all!