I Am...

I am sad
I slide

I have never never kissed
A car before It's like a door
I have always always
Grown my own before
All schools are strange
And when I'm sad
I slide

I have never never
Nailed a nose before
That's how the garden grows
I could never understand
The wind at all
Was like a ball of love
And when I'm sad
I slide

Watch now I'm gonna slide

Huzzah for Marc Bolan!
I am sympathizing with this guy:

I am going to say yes, just like "extra strength" pain reliever is more racy-stripey, go faster, extreme than the plain 'ol "strength" version.

(Do they even SELL that kind?! :pinch:)
I am hoping that somewhere in the world, Brand X's Rubbish Strength Pain Killers are on sale.

Directions: Stick box to forehead. While pain levels remain the same, you are distract from it, because you look like an idiot.
Possible Side Effects: Being looked at in the street, people pointing and laughing, and in extreme cases incarceration in mental health institutions.
Do not take if: You have any self respect what so ever.
I am sorry to say that option is not feasible at the moment, we'll have our engineers take a look at it, and get back to you. Probably via memo or fax.
I am calling a meeting for some group problem-solving methods to build unity and fix Namye's fax machine, because it's not currently compatible with the department's budget. But where there's a will, there's a way! There's no "I" in team...or "fax macheene", for that matter.
I am reporting there is an I in fax machine. It pounced on me while I was looking the other way, and its transmitted its way up to the elbow so far. Help!
I am going to get you more toner...hang in there, Namye. It only hurts till the pain stops! There's no limit to what we can accomplish when we all work together! Let's go get 'em, people!
I am going to say you should make that an objective. "I will create a fax macheene army" shall be your adopted daily affirmation. Think of what you'll do for the customers! Smile as you envision the new world you'll help build...

...or scream and run away. Fax bites are nasty, they get infected so easily.
I am advising anyone who finds themselves confronted by an angry fax machine, to punch it hard in the feeder tray. This will normal compact back into the main workings of the machine, and will likely misalign its rollers, or interfere with the delecate nerve cluster near the processor unit. If you happen to have a tie, the average fax can be distracted long enough for proffessional help to arrive.
I am giggling so loud coworkers are staring at me. And it's all ^'s fault.

Someday I am going to have a vicious fax macheene avatar. Or at least in my signature.