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  1. Pallaith

    Midterm Update

    Midterm Update I am pleased with the progress our team has made so far in developing the FA Digest. We're covering a lot of ground, covering essentially a year of events to keep the region informed, and set the stage for periodic future releases of this kind. The practice we put into this now...
  2. Pallaith

    Opening Address: January 2025

    Opening Address: January 2025 I have had the honor of serving in this role three times before, and I never approached the job the same way twice. That will continue to be the case. Foreign Affairs continues to be one of the most vital areas in this current state of the game, and I am pleased to...
  3. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Justice 9: Still Here

    As the title suggests, I have run for Justice eight times prior. I have said just about all there is to say about my thoughts on the role and my approach to it. I have authored many opinions and briefs, so you can consider my paper trail and know what to expect from me next. I seek to continue...
  4. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Delegate VI: There and Back Again

    We live in unprecedented times. The game is in flux, our region is in flux. Twists and turns around every corner. And in the middle of all that, we find ourselves with the first RON election for Delegate in almost a decade. TNP faces the prospect of an election featuring two former delegates...
  5. Pallaith

    Court Clerks

    As promised when this term began, I am instituting a pilot program for a Court clerk system. If anyone remembers the old Speaker staff, this would work the same. I will accept applications from interested parties to join the program, and from there will provide advice and training for how to...
  6. Pallaith

    [DRAFT] Continuous Commissioners Act

    Well, the EC has been discussing some changes that are long overdue, and one of them relates to when commissioners must be absent from elections based on when their terms expire or begin. One concern is that the term starts whenever an oath is taken, and depending on when commissioners are...
  7. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Justice 8: The Ocho

    Obviously I have run for Justice before. Many times in fact. I believe my work speaks for itself and encourage you to consider it. Nevertheless, I come before you again asking for your vote to allow me to keep serving on this Court I love so much for some reason. It's not for everyone, but I...
  8. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Justice 7: Back Again

    We've seen this movie before, but some movies are timeless. I have written a lot of things at this point for the Court, I have established some cool things, and I want to come back and keep these things going and update them (which from the look of it is sorely needed). This time around I think...
  9. Pallaith

    Closing Address: January 2024

    End of Term Address January 2024 Undoubtedly the past four months have been taxing, annoying, and a lot of work. That’s been especially true for this ministry, as the primary external facing ministry in the government. I have accepted the usual comments and critiques regarding our...
  10. Pallaith

    Opening Address: September 2023

    Once more, I have returned to the foreign ministry, and once more, we have quite a lot to do in the foreign affairs realm. War or something like it is a distinct possibility, and we are continuing to be challenged on all fronts in a way we simply haven't been in recent memory. The team we have...
  11. Pallaith

    [Private] R4R "On the Vice Delegate's Voting Rights within the Security Council"

    The Court Examiner is back with another R4R challenging an old court ruling. Since it's my shift again and I want to keep things moving, I have gone ahead and accepted this one as well. Standing is without question, and I think it raises some important points. I have some thoughts on this one...
  12. Pallaith

    [Private] R4R "Advisory Opinion of the Court of the North Pacific"

    Once again, the Court Examiner has brought forth an R4R challenging a prior Court decision, this time the single advisory opinion. Unlike the others he has recently submitted, this one is straight up challenging the decision on the grounds it was an improper action. As standing is a given, I...
  13. Pallaith


    As the Advisor to the Delegate, my entire purpose is to make suggestions and offer advice, to try to provide guidance and an outlet for my experience in this game for the Delegate’s benefit. Of course it is up to the Delegate to heed that advice and to do with it what he will, and I will be the...
  14. Pallaith

    [Private] R4R "On Delegate Term Limits in Special Elections"

    The Court Examiner has brought forth another R4R challenging a prior Court decision on the grounds current law renders it obsolete. Again, the question of standing is settled, and I believe this would also be a quick decision to handle. I will be accepting this one and get the thread going so we...
  15. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Justice 6: Still Not Dead

    Once again I ask for your vote for Justice. I have served, I will be of service. We have a good team in place and we've had some significant judicial action recently. I wasn't able to do anything from this end during that activity, for obvious reasons, but I intend to make myself available...
  16. Pallaith

    May 2023 General Election Count Correction

    I have previously brought this to the attention of the election supervisors as well as the chief commissioner, and at his urging I am posting this now, but it is clear to me from a comparison to my own personal record of the votes (consulted after I got home from work the day of the election)...
  17. Pallaith

    Pallaith for Justice 5/4.5: the Return

    I am back again running for Justice, which may surprise a few of you, but what do I know maybe I’m being super predictable. As some of you may remember, after being on the Court for over a year, I had to leave to return to the delegacy. Since that ended I have served in my successor’s...
  18. Pallaith

    [Passed] Self-Checkout Act

    For about a year now we have been making a serious effort to update our citizenship process and make it more fair and more open to the people seeking to become a bigger part of our community. It has been clear for a while that our admin team has not been able to accommodate a growing desire for...
  19. Pallaith

    Farewell Address: January 2023

    Farewell Address I have written two of these speeches before, because you have blessed me with the opportunity to serve as your delegate 5 separate times now. This is one of the best jobs in NS, and I enjoy it immensely every time I get to do it, knowing full well that it could be the last...
  20. Pallaith

    Turtle Day

    Turtle Day For too long we have all suffered the lack of NationStates, the siren song that brings us all together and led to this great community being created all those years ago. After much patience and frustration, especially from the game admins, NationStates is back. And we have our very...
  21. Pallaith

    [Passed] Treaty Translation Act

    In light of the Court's recent decision to declare nearly any agreement the executive makes with another region a treaty, and therefore eroding an important element of the Delegate's foreign policy decision making, we must now put down in our legal code an official definition for what a treaty...
  22. Pallaith

    [Split][R4R] On Treaties and Sanctions

    There is a lot to unpack with this ruling, so I'm going to take it piece by piece. The Court's position on standing, regional interest, and the statement of facts are standard and not at issue, so I will begin with the definition of treaties. The Court was correct here - reading any agreement...
  23. Pallaith

    Minister of Defense Replacement

    Minister of Defense Appointment Unfortunately, I must once again announce that I am making a change in the office of Minister of Defense. When I last came to you for a change in this office, we believed that we had time to set things up in the NPA to set us up for a more robust and engaged...
  24. Pallaith

    Response to the Events in Equilism

    Response to the Events in Equilism Earlier this week, the signatories of the Pax Polaris Occidens responded to the delegate tipping of Equilism by the Brotherhood of Malice. It was clear that BoM intended only to respond in kind to what they deemed to be unwarranted aggression when their...
  25. Pallaith

    [Passed] Executive Absence Act

    I have noticed a curious thing in our law. While it provides for scenarios where the Speaker or the Vice Delegate may mitigate periods where they will be absent from office, it does not give the Delegate the same option. The Delegate cannot trigger the absence clause through their own volition...
  26. Pallaith

    [Accepted] Application for Admission to the Bar: Pallaith

    Application for Admission to the Bar Applicant name: Pallaith Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel 1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? Yes 2. Between what dates did you serve as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? March 11...
  27. Pallaith

    Minister of Culture Appointment

    Minister of Culture Appointment Unfortunately our Minister of Culture @Kasch has had to resign his post for persona and real life reasons. I want to thank him for his service, and for agreeing to tackle an area that was both new and familiar, but much more challenging than it has been for...
  28. Pallaith

    Minister of Defense Appointment

    Minister of Defense Appointment First of all, sorry for the wait. As many of you know, staffing this very important position has been difficult, as the NPA is facing its biggest challenge in modern memory and we work hard to find a good path forward. Our leadership has been acutely affected by...
  29. Pallaith

    Surgeon General Appointment

    Surgeon General Appointment In advance of the upcoming zombie-related emergency, I am appointing @Dreadton to serve as our Surgeon General and to take point on our Z-Day response. He has served us admirably in previous Z-Day responses, and I believe he has a solid plan for responding to this...
  30. Pallaith

    New Lead Gameside Advocate

    Lead Gameside Advocate Appointment It is a shame that we have to do this so early, but regrettably our beloved @Marcus Antonius has had to resign as our Lead Gameside Advocate. I want to thank him for his fantastic work over the last few months. He was a consummate professional and a great team...