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  1. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    I'm pleased to announce the appointment of Dovakhan to the position of Ambassador General. He will be along in due time to introduce himself. I would ask that the appropriate changes be made to his account, when possible. Thank you.
  2. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    Good day, friends. This is just a notice that Kangarawa will soon be replaced by a new Ambassador General, and I look to see new Ambassadors enlisted soon. Until then, my apologies for having an inactive Embassy. Thank you for understanding. Gnid
  3. Gnidrah

    Happy birthday Dalimbar

    Happy Birthday, Dalimbar!
  4. Gnidrah

    Announcement from the Delegate

    Please allow me, if only for a moment, to express a partial viewpoint on this current situation. I typically do not get involved in these sort of issues. However, a statement was solicited of me (and not by the Delegate, mind you), so you'll now have one from me. Firstly, allow me to clarify...
  5. Gnidrah

    Party at the Palace

    Delegate Briand responds to Nicholas, "You know me, still alive. Haven't been assassinated yet, so that shows promise." Nicholas chortles to himself. "I'm very glad you could come," Marcus continues, "and I trust the trip wasn't too horrible?" Nicholas smiles and replies, "Thank you. I'm...
  6. Gnidrah

    Party at the Palace

    Nicholas watches the buildings pass as the motorcade travels through Magicality City. He is intrigued by the general architecture of the North Pacific's capital city. But he is used to Gnidrahn architecture in his home country, and is becoming accustomed to that of Rillanon City, the East...
  7. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    You would deny them...
  8. Gnidrah

    Statement from the Delegate

  9. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    *Is pouncetacklesnuggled.* Hey, FEC. Thanks, for that. :hug:
  10. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    You think you're just so funny, don't you? :P
  11. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    :o *Takes cover.* Where?! *Comes to his senses.* Oh, "hail," as in a greeting. Well, hello there. :blush:
  12. Gnidrah

    Embassy of The East Pacific

    My thanks, Haor Chall.
  13. Gnidrah

    Consulate of The East Pacific

    Why thank you, Dalimbar. It's good to be back visiting here, again. As for the forum, yes, I'm glad things are operational again. There for a while, I was really nervous about forum activity due to the forum crash. But things are picking back up and headed in the right direction, so I'm...
  14. Gnidrah

    Consulate of The East Pacific

    A special note of congratulations to Dalimbar, and the rest of the elected officials. I look forward to working with the Government of the North Pacific in our future endeavors together. Good luck, during this term. Gnidrah Delegate The East Pacific
  15. Gnidrah

    Feeder Agreement Document

    Now, please remove Kangarawa's name from the list, and affix mine to it. Our legislative and judicial branches have both given their approval, and now it is time for the executive branch to follow through. Gnidrah UN Delegate The East Pacific
  16. Gnidrah

    Feeder Agreement Document

    I am requesting that Kangarawa's name be removed from the treaty's list of signatories. Only the Delegate has the authority to enter the region into a treaty, according to the Charter of the East Pacific. That being said, the document is still under my review, so I cannot yet make a decision...
  17. Gnidrah

    Purpose of the summit

    I would like for the East Pacific's Ambassador General, Kangarawa, to either be the representative from our region, or select another member of our region to do so, for the draft group. I would like to attend, myself. However, I will be unable to do so, as I've other matters to tend to...
  18. Gnidrah

    RMB Spam

    I would agree with a 15-line limit. I know of at least one region that enforces that limit in their own recruitment messages, and they are clean, to the point, and don't take up a large amount of space.
  19. Gnidrah


    I'm here.
  20. Gnidrah

    Deputy Minister Needed!

    Well, you're currently listed as inactive, so you might want to go "reactivate" yourself. :P
  21. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Hi. All is well in the East. Though I can think of a few "outsiders" who would beg to differ.
  22. Gnidrah


    ^ undead
  23. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Thanks. And hello, NH! Good to see you, friend.
  24. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Indeed, it is. Hello, there.
  25. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Thank you. I'm glad to be here. It is a pleasure.
  26. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Ma'am, yes, ma'am!
  27. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    I am doing quite well, thank you; though I must say, I am a bit tired. How are you doing?
  28. Gnidrah

    From the East Pacific

    Those blasted squirrels. It's one thing for them to chase each other, but it's another thing for them to chase after people, when the little creatures are under the influence...
  29. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    *Is pounced.* Hey, FEC. Good to see you!
  30. Gnidrah

    Greetings from the East

    Hello, to the people and government of the North Pacific. I'm Gnidrah, delegate of the East Pacific. I'll be visiting your great region for a while, and I look forward to my stay. So if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them. Gnid