Update from The East Pacific
Voting is currently underway to determine the membership of the 5th Magisterial Assembly. Once the voting process is complete, the newly elected Magisters will elect a Magisterial Consul from amidst themselves.
UN Resolutions
Repeal "UN Patent Law": In favour
Despite the fact that this resolution was proposed by one of our own members, Kelssek, it came under fierce debate on TEP forums.
On the Forums ...
Congratulations to Packilvania on his appointment as co-administrator of the TEP forums. You do remember Packilvania? "Resistance is futile." "You will all be assimilated." There
were some interesting comments made following his appointment:
Do not worry. You will not even notice the Hive managing your lives, er... the forum....
Really Nice Hats:
Does this mean that I'll have to update my assimilation forms?
Well, I for one strongly object! Pack is an evil and malignan- I AM SORRY I DID NOT MEAN THAT AT ALL. I AM JUST JOKING OF COURSE. I LOVE THE HIVE. ALL HAIL PACK!
Upon learning that the dissolution of the 4th Magisterial Assembly was being postponed for five days, the existing Magisters immediately formed a union, and went on
strike. The repercussions were felt throughout the entire East Pacific which in turn incited the wrath of the Viceroy.
The Viceroy issued an absolutely startling
proclamation regarding the appointment of new Magisters. When the Delegate himself issued a statement in support of the striking Magisters, the Viceroy was maddened even further, prompting him to issue yet
another proclamation, replacing the current Delegate. At present, the Viceroy has been returned to his cage, and is resting comfortably ...
The nation of Kelssek, long known for its stability, seems to have ...
changed ...
Finally, in an unprecedented move, the Delegate made two proclamations within a very short span of time. The first, an
Executive Order, denying certain sovereign rights to individual nations went remarkably unnoticed as a result of the furor surrounding the Magisters' Strike. The second, in which April 1st was proclaimed
Apple Day in TEP, seems to exemplify the nature of East Pacificans.
In the Role Play Arena ...
After the bombing of Sing Ren in Bai Lung, the Bai Lungese launched more cruise missiles at a hotel in South Dannistaan, killing many and injuring others. In order to force the Nationalists to surrender, Dannistaan began invading Bai Lung after setting up camp in the city of Port To and marching on the now ruined capital of Sing Ren. In
Shadow of the White Dragon, Dannistaan has even gained logistical support from the FPS while the Bai Lungese dug in their heels to make a last stand in Sing Ren. Meanwhile, the Nationalists take over the mainland territories in an attempt to nuke Dannistaan but are foiled by repeated bombings of the mainland.
After a mere three weeks, our students from
Shiro Academy have finally returned to their hotel after their
one afternoon in Liberty City. The riot has been quelled, but Li, a Bai Lungese ex-pat from Dannistaan, is still in a panic over the actions of his countrymen and out of fear that he will be identified as one of them. Our human-metroid hybrid is busily describing her day to one of her roommates, and seems somewhat focused on how tame the pigeons seem to be ...
War Games between the nations of Reziel and Kangarawa have taken an unexpected turn. In an attempt to discover the link to those responsible for the suspected bio-modifications made to the Kangarawan Marines, the Kangarawan Embassy was stormed with the consent of the Ambassador. Three potential suspects were taken into custody. Despite this, and the forced cancellation of the games, two more unnecessary deaths have occurred, communications have still been intercepted and only one mole has been discovered.
That's it for this update! Should you feel a hankering for news of our region between now and my next update, feel free to visit either the
East Pacific News Services or the
forum itself. Please know that you're always welcome! Just be sure to check your luggage for alcoholic squirrels or fridge owls before leaving. We ... er ... have had one incident in which a few alcoholic squirrels have been sighted in another region ... Our Ambassador there is currently dealing with the situation ...
As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.
~ Kang