Embassy of The East Pacific

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
Embassy Agreement between The North Pacific and the East Pacific


Recognising The North Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of The North Pacific and the East Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of the East Pacific, both regions agree to an exchange of embassies.

1. It must be understood that both regions remain sovereign as do each region's nations.

2. Both regions will agree to not involve each other in any Military or Political conflicts. This agreement in no way obliges either party to act in either Military or Political nature. Should any party attempt to involve each other in said affairs, this agreement can be seen as null and void.

3. Each region will place an embassy in the region of the other, in order to further communication between the two nations. The embassy will act as a voice of the region within the other, and will respect the laws of foreign soil. This will be done with due process and by request.

4. The regions entering into this contract agree to encourage their nations to register and participate on the other's forum, so that both regions can get to know each other and so our friendship may be strengthened. Additionally, members of each region shall have an automatic invitation to all festive occasions in either region.

5. Both regions agree to co-operate in promoting and passing better UN resolutions.

6. This treaty is between The North Pacific and the East Pacific only and does not affect any current or future treaties.

7. Both regions agree to maintain activity within their embassies and recognise that their embassy may be closed if it remains inactive for more than 30 days.

8. The treaty may be reviewed and Terminated by the Governing Bodies of either Region should any of the terms of this agreement be violated.


Robert Smythe of Kangarawa
Ambassador General of the East Pacific

Nicholas Richardson of Gnidrah
Delegate of the East Pacific

Haor Chall
Minister of External Affairs, The North Pacific

Welcome to your new embassy!
I'm late ... I'm very, very late but the regional update will be arriving within the next couple of days!

Would someone care to turn back the clock just a wee bit, and tell RL to slow down a tad? :cry:
Update from The East Pacific


The 4th Magisterial Assembly welcomed the addition of representatives from the nations of Coocoostan, Emperor Matthuis and Really Nice Hats to its ranks in mid-February. Contrary to my last report, the 4th MA will be dissolved on March 31st, with nominations and voting for the 5th MA beginning on March 15th. (I, of course, blame the error solely on our beloved Delegate who posted the timelines about fifteen minutes after I'd posted my last update! Definitely done to aggravate me! :P)

The 4th MA has been busy since the forums were reconstructed attempting to either recreate, or rewrite legislation that was passed by both the 3rd and 4th MAs and lost in the IF crash. "The East Pacific Standard Time Act" was rewritten by its original author, passed once again by the 4th MA, and became law on March 1st, after receiving assent by our Delegate, Gnidrah. The "Revised Endorsement Restrictions Act, 2007" has now been passed by the 4th MA, and is awaiting Delegate assent. The Delegate's nominations of East Malaysia as Attorney General and of Reziel as Solicitor General were approved by the 4th MA. Happy jurisprudence to both! ;)

TEP has welcomed the opportunity to further diplomatic ties with 10 000 Islands (10KI), North Pacific and The Realm of Equilism, regions with which we have recently exchanged Embassies.

UN Resolutions

Repeal "The Right to Form Unions": Against
Repeal "Hydrogen Powered Vehicles": In Favour
Radiological Terrorism: In Favour
Repeal "Free Education": In Favour
Emigration Rights: In Favour

In the Role Play Arena ...

AND ... (*best hockey announcer's baritone voice, seething with excitement*) ... the 6th East Pacific Hockey Championships will be hosted by ... (*very long pause for a commercial message*) ... none other than ... (*dramatic pause, with announcer's voice ending on a high note ... *) ... COOCOOSTAN!!! (*thunderous applause*) The Championships themselves may be slightly delayed, but I will keep all of you hockey fans out there updated! ;)

In "Razor's Edge", the nation of Lazlow is buying drugs from the Coocoostani Chekas and attempting to turn the Chekas into allies. Coocoostani agents have been flown into FPS over Kelssekian airspace without prior notification. The Kelssekians, well aware of both the drug deals and the Coocoostani agents in FPS have finally approached FPS directly. "There've been Coocoostan agents over here. Why?"

"Shield of the North", a strategic military plan designed to protect the southern Dovakhanese border and to offer a beachhead for the incoming pincer manoeuvre against Darbat Singh, whose stronghold is in central Airbus UK, has proven effective in " The Twin Grand Duchies". Kaijuna Airforce Base has been successfully taken by the Iremians, and both the Dovakhanese and Kangarawans have airlifted refugees and wounded from the base to camps inside Dovakhan. A resistance movement supporting the deposed and now imprisoned President of Airbus UK has been supporting the Iremians. Singh, it now appears, has access to nuclear missiles, and has targeted the capitals of all four countries at the Summit: FPS, Dovakhan, Bakostravia and Kangarawa.

Having lost our inimitable "Cattle Politics" thread during the invisionfree crash, Kandarin has started a new "Lightbulb Politics" replacement. :P You know the type of thing ... how many ____ does it take to change a lightbulb? Feel free to see how some of our TEP nations fare! :lol:

That's it for this update, and my apologies for the length of time between this one and the last. Should you feel a hankering for news of our region between now and my next update, feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself.

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang
Update from The East Pacific


The nomination process for the 5th Magisterial Assembly is well underway. To date, representatives from five nations have stepped forward and been seconded. The 4th MA will be dissolved on March 31st. Representatives from those nations who have been seconded for the 5th MA must be elected by vote of ratified members of TEP. Nominations and voting will continue until March 31, 2007. Although any member of TEP may apply at any time to become a member of the Magisterial Assembly, it is from this original group of Magisters that the Magisterial Consul is elected. The Magisterial Assembly is the legislative body of TEP.

TEP has welcomed the opportunity to further diplomatic ties with the regions of Gay, England and Canada by recently exchanging Embassies. Both the Department of Interregional Affairs and TEP look forward to establishing lasting relationships with these three regions.

The Department of Interregional Affairs is more than pleased to welcome two new diplomats to its fold. Dezzland and Really Nice Hats both bring a breadth of experience with them. With much trepidation, the Ambassador General also agreed to allow a former Ambassador to rejoin the Department. Gnidrah will, on a provisional basis, be assigned to the region of Canada. :o

UN Resolutions

UN Bio Agent Convention - In Favour
UN Economics Prize - Abstain
Climate Refugee Commission - Against
Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban" - In Favour

On the Forums ...

Things have been rather quiet on the forums over the last couple of weeks with many members travelling during Spring Break (Europe springs IMMEDIATELY to mind). Those of us left behind are busy thinking up suitable ... "comments" ... to throw at them upon their return!

Despite that, we're very happy to welcome some newcomers into our fold. Warm greetings are extended to Deflagratio, Black Paradox, Commander Striker, Sudnia, green2041 and Charon. We sincerely hope that you'll make yourselves at home!

In the Role Play Arena ...

While several Shiro Academy students gathered for coffee, others ran errands, visiting their embassies, touring museums and having lunch before finally regrouping at a fountain in Liberty City. Deciding to head back to the hotel, the group had just been about to board the metro, when one of their members reported a demonstration occurring outside the Bai Lungese Embassy. While most opted to go watch, a couple of others chose to head back to the hotel. In the meantime, one member of the group was kidnapped, and Nei Montenai, daughter of Emperor Hikaru Montenai of 1 Infinite Loop, seems to have gone missing in the city ... Amazing that in all this time, we've only seen about four days of classes ... ;)

That's it for this update! Should you feel a hankering for news of our region between now and my next update, feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself. Please know that you're always welcome! Just be sure to check your luggage for alcoholic squirrels or fridge owls before leaving ...

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang
Update from The East Pacific


Voting is currently underway to determine the membership of the 5th Magisterial Assembly. Once the voting process is complete, the newly elected Magisters will elect a Magisterial Consul from amidst themselves.

UN Resolutions

Repeal "UN Patent Law": In favour

Despite the fact that this resolution was proposed by one of our own members, Kelssek, it came under fierce debate on TEP forums.

On the Forums ...

Congratulations to Packilvania on his appointment as co-administrator of the TEP forums. You do remember Packilvania? "Resistance is futile." "You will all be assimilated." There were some interesting comments made following his appointment:

Do not worry. You will not even notice the Hive managing your lives, er... the forum....

Really Nice Hats:
Does this mean that I'll have to update my assimilation forms?

Well, I for one strongly object! Pack is an evil and malignan- I AM SORRY I DID NOT MEAN THAT AT ALL. I AM JUST JOKING OF COURSE. I LOVE THE HIVE. ALL HAIL PACK!

Upon learning that the dissolution of the 4th Magisterial Assembly was being postponed for five days, the existing Magisters immediately formed a union, and went on strike. The repercussions were felt throughout the entire East Pacific which in turn incited the wrath of the Viceroy.

The Viceroy issued an absolutely startling proclamation regarding the appointment of new Magisters. When the Delegate himself issued a statement in support of the striking Magisters, the Viceroy was maddened even further, prompting him to issue yet another proclamation, replacing the current Delegate. At present, the Viceroy has been returned to his cage, and is resting comfortably ...

The nation of Kelssek, long known for its stability, seems to have ... changed ...

Finally, in an unprecedented move, the Delegate made two proclamations within a very short span of time. The first, an Executive Order, denying certain sovereign rights to individual nations went remarkably unnoticed as a result of the furor surrounding the Magisters' Strike. The second, in which April 1st was proclaimed Apple Day in TEP, seems to exemplify the nature of East Pacificans.

In the Role Play Arena ...

After the bombing of Sing Ren in Bai Lung, the Bai Lungese launched more cruise missiles at a hotel in South Dannistaan, killing many and injuring others. In order to force the Nationalists to surrender, Dannistaan began invading Bai Lung after setting up camp in the city of Port To and marching on the now ruined capital of Sing Ren. In Shadow of the White Dragon, Dannistaan has even gained logistical support from the FPS while the Bai Lungese dug in their heels to make a last stand in Sing Ren. Meanwhile, the Nationalists take over the mainland territories in an attempt to nuke Dannistaan but are foiled by repeated bombings of the mainland.

After a mere three weeks, our students from Shiro Academy have finally returned to their hotel after their one afternoon in Liberty City. The riot has been quelled, but Li, a Bai Lungese ex-pat from Dannistaan, is still in a panic over the actions of his countrymen and out of fear that he will be identified as one of them. Our human-metroid hybrid is busily describing her day to one of her roommates, and seems somewhat focused on how tame the pigeons seem to be ... ;)

The War Games between the nations of Reziel and Kangarawa have taken an unexpected turn. In an attempt to discover the link to those responsible for the suspected bio-modifications made to the Kangarawan Marines, the Kangarawan Embassy was stormed with the consent of the Ambassador. Three potential suspects were taken into custody. Despite this, and the forced cancellation of the games, two more unnecessary deaths have occurred, communications have still been intercepted and only one mole has been discovered.

That's it for this update! Should you feel a hankering for news of our region between now and my next update, feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself. Please know that you're always welcome! Just be sure to check your luggage for alcoholic squirrels or fridge owls before leaving. We ... er ... have had one incident in which a few alcoholic squirrels have been sighted in another region ... Our Ambassador there is currently dealing with the situation ...

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang
ROFL! Why, thank you kind sir!

I, of course, absolutely deny the rumours that I've been supplying our alcoholic squirrels with contraband ... :P
To protect your reputation, of course I would! Were anyone to know where they actually obtained their supplies ... oops! ... :o
Update from The East Pacific


Six of seven nominated applicants were elected to the 5th Magisterial Assembly, the Legislative body of TEP. The newly elected Magisters are: Codex, Dovakhan, Emperor Matthuis, Kangarawa, Really Nice Hats and Reziel. Once elected, the Magisters elected a Consul. Congratulations to Codex, the Magisterial Consul of the 5th MA.

It remains to be seen whether or not the 5th MA, like the 4th, will attempt to form a union ... ;)

UN Resolutions

Repeal "Sexual Freedom": FOR
Repeal "Mutual Recognition of Borders": FOR
Cultural Heritage in War: FOR

On the Forums ...

It's been very quiet on the forums the last two weeks. The ever-popular "Last One to Post Here Wins" has, as usual, been remarkably busy for a thread that no one but an administrator can actually win, and there has been some discussion about the recent shootings at Virginia Tech.

In the Role Play Arena ...

In our last update, our students from Shiro Academy had just arrived back at the hotel. Li, the Bai Lungese student, has actually had a visit from the police who were interested in learning why he was there. In an attempt to calm himself, he's shared much of his background, an interesting one, with his roommates.

In a spin-off thread, one of the Shiroettes, Arian De Corde from the Grand Duchy of Reziel was Kidnapped while waiting to meet his companions at the fountain in Liberty City during the afternoon. His sword stolen from his dormitory, his kidnapping and a message passed to his former childhood sweetheart at a ball in Liberty City by a Dark Twin who had "escaped" to the city of Malev in Kandarin have roused the remaining Archangels who are members of the Iremian "Shadow Families" to vow vengeance.

That's it for this update! Should you feel a burning desire for news of our region between now and my next update, pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, grab your beverage of choice (ours being Loopian Ale, of course!) and feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself.

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang


The 5th Magisterial Assembly under the guidance of the Magisterial Consul, Codex, has already prioritised its business for the upcoming term. Magisters have been seen wandering the hallowed halls of the Legislature, sleeves rolled up, hair askew and wild-eyed, muttering, "Amendments to WHAT?!?"

The Department of Interregional Relations is pleased to welcome yet another new Diplomat to its fold. Reziel brings experience from another region with him, and has been gracious enough to accept two postings: Hyrule and North Pacific. We've also had the opportunity to entertain the following Ambassadors o'er the last fortnight: Krulltopia, Northerfork, Ithania, Diemetricus, Nikocujo and Papercuts & Skittles.

The Department is very pleased to announce the exchange of Embassies and the opening of diplomatic relations with the region of Lichentia.

UN Resolutions

Maritime Neutrality Convention: Against
Repeal "Metric System": Against

On the Forums ...

TEP was pleased to welcome Packilvania'a brother as a newcomer to the forums over the last fortnight, lol. Oddly enough, he had absolutely no idea why his brother is so ... highly ... regarded:

Oh... and another question.. whats so scary about my brother?
What's so scary about your brother?!? WHAT'S SO SCARY ABOUT...



(*looks at the Hive drones approaching him*)

uhm... NOTHING. Honest. Your brother is NOT scaring at all. He's gentle and kind. It's a pleasure to have him round here. Sure. Aside the assimilation thing, perhaps, but...

(*looks at the drones*)

nope. ok. EVEN the assimilation thing. sure.


Loop's description of the poster above him in our "Games Room":
Infinite Loop:
Makes a Lovely Appetizer for 5 to 10 persons of moderate apetite.

Everyone seems to have noticed that our esteemed Viceroy, Free Pacific States, or FPS as he's most affectionately known, has added a line to his signature. It seems to be in keeping with his tough stance on the unruly mobs who inhabit TEP ...
"Some people say that I must be a horrible person, but that's not true. I have the heart of a young boy -- in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

In the Role Play Arena ...

Talking about the happenings of the day in Liberty City, the students from Shiro Academy are shocked to discover that not only are three of their number missing, but that missing persons reports have been issued for two of them and foul play hasn't been ruled out. One of the other students is mugged after going for an evening walk.

In Shadow of the White Dragon II, Bai Lung is in the middle of a General Strike against both the Nationalist and Communist Regimes. Both Coocoostani and Dannistrian forces are approaching the last stronghold of the Nationalists, Sing Ren. The Dannistrian Government is meanwhile putting the last touches to a plan to divide Bai Lung into "administrative zones" with Coocoostan, Dannistaan and hopefully Dovakhan and FPS providing peace keeping troops until a proper Democratic Government can be created. Having turned down the offer of help from the EPTO, Dannistaan is not quite certain of the position FPS will take.

"Shield of the North having been a success, the Grand Duke of Reziel must successfully capture Port Jennifer in southern Airbus UK in order to maintain the stability in the north. Central Airbus is still controlled by Darbat Singh in The Twin Grand Duchies, and realising that some of his own men are traitors, Singh has ordered "hygienic" measures, starting with the deposed President currently imprisoned in Port Jennifer. Unfortunately for Singh, special agents from FPS are already at the prison ...

The Kandarinese have discovered what they believe to be an ancient portal capable of transferring matter intact from one location to another. In an effort to determine how this archaeotech functions, they are now in the process of assembling a group of widely diverse "specialists" in Transposition...

That's it for this update! Should you feel a burning desire for news of our region between now and my next update, pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, grab your beverage of choice (ours being Loopian Ale, of course!) and feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself. If you get the chance, listen in on Kelssek's World Service Podcast!

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang


Infinite Loop joined the ranks of the Magisterial Assembly on May 6, 2007 after a five-day voting period. The entire MA, now bald and looking remarkably malnourished as it's members still try to ascertain with which amendment they're currently dealing, will surely welcome his expertise. It has been suggested that the nation of "Really Nice Hats" might be amenable to providing headgear so that the members need not be embarrassed over their appearances. It is definitely hoped that Infinite Loop's wise counsel will calm the MA considerably.

The Department of Interregional Affairs has had the opportunity to entertain both Ambassador Biteland from TWP and Ambassador Notherfork from Equilism during the last two weeks. As always, our thanks to both of them for sharing the news from their regions.

The Magisterial Assembly approved the Delegate's nomination of Kangarawa to the position of Grand Vizier.

UN Resolutions

Repeal "Banning Whaling": Against
Forest Management: Against
Establishment of ICPIN: Against

On the Forums ...

As a general rule, the "Last One to Post Here" thread is simple, uncomplicated, and, of course, not able to be won. However, it's rare to see a poster lose to himself! And the honour goes to ... Really Nice Hats!

My hat declares victory.

... Stupid hat, stealing my win <_<

Several people entered into a discussion around which nation in The East Pacific they'd like to live in. When FPS announced that he'd like to live in one of the most war-torn and ravaged lands in the region, his rationale, and the subsequent comments made by Nameless ness and Infinite Loop had a number of people laughing.

Besides, I already live in Detroit. Nothing can be much worse then that. :P

TEPers have been regaling each other with lists of "Fun Facts". We'll let you judge which are more "fun" than "fact"!

Pavlov had little sucess and was on the verge of Poverty until he switched to Dogs from Coconuts.

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase.... ..... "goodnight, sleep tight."

It may be possible to legally prosecute Quebec Canada for the Ice Age.

In the Role Play Arena ...

In "Kidnapped", after useless attempts to either bribe or request compliance from the Brotherhood, the Shadow Families have finally put away the white gloves, forcing their accomplices to give away the kidnappers’ position. Well… it seems the young Shiroette now has the freedom to return to his companions at Shiro, but will he?

A number of very powerful Ministers form the Kangarawan Faction. They were the elite under the former President's mandate, but now, while they can siphon some money from Governmental coffers, they've turned to other ventures to support themselves. They buy and sell information. They're into the drug trade and the arms trade. They'll virtually deal with anyone who they believe can help them achieve their ultimate goal: overthrowing the current regime. A coup of some sort is the only chance they have. "Retribution" starts with the family of the Vice President, Chantal Scythes, being killed in a house fire. It's known that she was the primary target. Other nations, some aiding the Faction, some wishing to see the legitimate government remain in power, are starting to take sides.

Vladistock Island, which has been in isolation since a civil war devastated the country, has become far more stable since the last remaining supporters of Dictator Ward were removed. Under the democratic leadership of Zubris Vladenksky and the Modern Socialist Movement, Vladistock Island is stirring out of isolation. It is once again opening it's doors to the establishment of foreign embassies, diplomatic discussions and trade with other nations of the East Pacific. The Free Pacific States, Dannistaan, Coocoostan, Reziel and Kangarawa have all expressed interest so far in establishing ties with the former communist nation.

That's it for this update! Should you feel a burning desire for news of our region between now and my next update, pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, grab your beverage of choice (ours being Loopian Ale, of course!) and feel free to visit either the East Pacific News Services or the forum itself. Free Pacific States has also started it's own regional paper to keep both the region and visitors to Embassy Row aware of current events in TEP. Feel free to take a peek at the Free Pacific Online Post!

As always, feel free to post any questions and/or comments. I'll get back to you as quickly as I'm able.

~ Kang
Loop has been wandering around different forums of late posting a picture of ... The MANTICORE!!!!! :blink:

According to our wise sage of TEP, THE MANTICORE HAS DEVOURED EP! :o

Of course! That's why it's been so quiet on the forums of late! And here I put it down to final exams, people moving back home from college and university, etc. (*smacks self on head*)

With any luck at all, next week you'll actually see a true update from TEP. Hopefully we'll have something to report! :P

~ Kang
Good day, friends. This is just a notice that Kangarawa will soon be replaced by a new Ambassador General, and I look to see new Ambassadors enlisted soon. Until then, my apologies for having an inactive Embassy. Thank you for understanding.

I'm pleased to announce the appointment of Dovakhan to the position of Ambassador General. He will be along in due time to introduce himself. I would ask that the appropriate changes be made to his account, when possible. Thank you.
[size0]Unfortunately, this embassy will be closed due to inactivity within one weeks' time. You are free to request its reopening at any time. [/size]

As TEP is a fellow feeder, I won't close this embassy. But we would love to see and hear more of you, and encourage you to use your embassy regularly! :)
Hay sorry for not getting here more often, I get too hung up by IRL stuff,
I thought I would come by here and finally found my link (I had forgotten to move it to the New Link folder in Safari Lol anywho)


Not a lot to report, Bot h I and Delegate Gnid have made posts obout the invasion, and we even turned it into a RP event, and We hear that the NP is supporting the Confederation, which we appreciate, Thanks guys.

I will try to dig up more news for the nevt report.
I don't think we had any official stance for these revolution, invasion, or coup yet. I might be wrong though.
well to tell teh truth I didnt have a stance either, but according to a few IMs I have seen it was said that I supported the invaders, I dont recall saying that.

So how has the NP been as of late?
Yeah I saw the new cats in town, and the Gatesville thing, our big news is that on Oct 31 we will be celebrating the 5th annual Confederation day, and there is something eles but I carrot recall it ATM.
Good Day all, Plans for the 5th annual Confederation Day are still going well, we expect a pretty good turnout.

a recent Confederational Convention has begun and so far we have changed our Governmental Model from Republic to the Tribal Flemunism format, it looks to be a nice way to do business.

Francisco Franco is still dead.

My Wireless mouse Died yesterday, its Spirit was freed from its Waters with the rising of the first moon.