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Commend Philosophers
Category: < Commend > | Target: Philosophers
Proposed by: THX1138 | Onsite Topic
The Security Council:
Establishing that Philosophers is the natural progression of Philosophy 115 [colloquially P115], born only of necessity, but sharing a common history, analogous culture, and hosting all P115’s former nations. As such, this commendation of Philosophers as successor also serves as symbolic commendation of P115, the historic cradle of its culture and accomplishments.
Recalling the formative days of this multiverse, and the establishment of Dr george, a distinctive nation with a culture combining theology, educational arts, and the highest proficiency in philosophy. Dr george brought all of this to bear in founding a region where others could “approach life rationally without unfounded assumptions.” This was Philosophy 115, the multiverse's first 'teaching region' specifically dedicated to understanding the intricacies and nuance of sentience. It quickly became home to over 200 nations.
Affirming that P115 distinguished itself as campus to higher thought and education. In its first decade, hundreds of nations under the direct tutelage of Dr george took residency in P115 via the 'extra credit' recruitment program. The region hosted myriad discussions, debates, and thought experiments, and promoted the causes of logic and reason. These activities were always hospitable to the nations of other regions, establishing P115 as welcoming cultural hub, and a place to flex intellectual muscle.
Admiring the maintenance in P115 of a tolerant platform in which to put philosophical theory into practice, both in national development and occasionally, in the execution of the Delegacy: Consider Ragaskan, who as Delegate engaged for over a year in an unwavering policy of 'radical centrism', voting 'no' as a default on every matter before the Assembly. This doctrinaire political position rooted in absurdist philosophy took the region on an entirely experimental tangent; but it was accepted in the spirit in which it was being conducted. Few regions would have permitted such a thing, but P115 stood apart.
Lauding P115 for inspiring other regions to incorporate an open debate and educational apparatus into their forums, where P115's nations could visit and engage in long form discussions 'off-campus'. Through this ebb and flow, P115 forged some of the longest lasting regional friendships in this realm. Alignment with like-minded regions including Forest, Anarchy, 10000 Islands, and Hell would eventually inspire and evolve into the embassy infrastructure we now take for granted, and the collegial society we enjoy today.
Noting that this collegial, inclusive tone was also reflected through P115's unique relationship with LGBTQ+ region Gay, where Dr. George’s alternate, Bearnation also served as elected founder and long-standing Delegate. P115 stood as proud ally at a time when the multiverse was less diverse, and often less tolerant. Further, Philosophy 115 spawned Philosophy 101, an entrée region for those new to philosophy and wishing to learn at beginner levels. P115 was also central to The Philosophy Consortium, gathering a variety of philosophy-based regions under one unifying banner.
Recognizing the stewardship of historic nations like Red Star of the West, Sunrise from the Sea, Central Kadigan, Kingdom of Cambria, Telgan, and Terra Amore, for sustaining P115 through a period of founder absence. The region stood as a model of cooperative proxy leadership until Dr George's return in 2020, inspiring a renaissance in P115. Regional population swelled to 400 nations. WA membership increased tenfold. Joint international events were planned, including groundwork laid for P115 to host a debate event as part of 10000 Island's inaugural Olympic games. Sadly, that momentum was thwarted when the founder fell finally inactive, imperiling the region, and making the exodus to Philosophers a heartbreaking necessity.
Acknowledging those steward nations for securing P115 for posterity, and, for coordinating the seamless passage of all natives to Philosophers, where safe, open borders can be maintained.
Appreciating Philosophers for preserving P115’s culture and for continuing to promote critical thinking, expression, and tolerance. Historic embassy partnerships established by P115 over a decade-and-a-half ago remain an intrinsic part of Philosophers’ continuing mission. The region is again engaging in international events and alliances. Commitment to growth has led to a new regional map created by MountAye. As in P115, international nations are always welcome to join in regional discussions, highlights of which are now shared with the world via newsletter.
Celebrating the approaching 20th anniversary of Philosophy 115, which now stands as secure monument to history, and, lauding the living continuation of all that was P115 in Philosophers - an equable place in the multiverse where any nation may still take a moment to ponder existence and wax philosophical.
Hereby commends Philosophers
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
0 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
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