[GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] International Charter For Animal Welfare

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TNP Nation

International Charter For Animal Welfare
Category: Moral Decency | Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Ladratia | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Disgusted at the routine and often monumental abuse that many non-sapient species face, particularly those in the biological kingdom of Animalia, and

Believing that supplementary international legislation is needed to prevent such abuse,

Hereby enacts the following International Charter for Animal Welfare.

  1. This Charter is intended for the protection of non-sapient beings, rather than that of insentient beings (such as bacteria, plants, and most small insects). For the purposes of this Charter, a "non-sapient" being is one which is not considered a sapient being (person) by legal or scientific consensus, but which is capable of having experience(s) such as feelings.
  2. All non-sapient beings shall enjoy freedom from extreme and unnecessary suffering caused by sapient beings. To that end, no sapient being may abuse a non-sapient being. For the purposes of this Charter, the "abuse" of a non-sapient being:
    • includes inflicting extremely painful acts (such as tail-docking, castration, dehorning, iron branding and debeaking) on that being, without taking steps to eliminate their suffering (such as administering anesthesia);
    • includes acts which seriously endanger the mental health of that being, such as sensory overload; insufficient stimulation, exercise or space; blood sports involving injury to that being; and isolation from other members of one's species; and
    • does not include any action taken by a sapient being to defend themselves or others, or where absolutely necessary for the welfare of a non-sentient being.
  3. The Protection of Animal Welfare Society is hereby entrusted, subject to previous resolutions still in force, to direct funding and support to entities whose intention is to aid the welfare of non-sapient beings. This direction shall be guided by the principle of maximising positive emotions, minimising negative emotions, and eliminating the abuse of non-sapient beings.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution proposes to focus on protecting non-sapient beings, which are those animals capable of experiencing feelings, but are not considered fully sapient due to "legal or scientific consensus". It bans multiple forms of abuse toward non-sapient beings, including extreme physical and mental harm, isolation from its own species, insufficient exercise space, blood sports etc. Additionally, it also establishes the "Protection of Animal Welfare Society" to aid in reducing animal suffering through funding and resources towards entities who aid the welfare of non-sapient beings.

In spite of its good intentions, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs is concerned with its practicality. The broad definition of "non-sapient" beings could lead to legal and ethical problems for member states. Especially when industries and cultural practices are taken into consideration. Also, while the prohibited actions mention extreme cases, they might not properly work for regional differences in customs and necessities. These extensive regulations may create problems between international and local parties. For the above mentioned reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the GA proposal at vote, "International Charter For Animal Welfare".

This IFV Recommendation was written by Terre des Riches in collaboration with the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
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Against, due to the fact that much of animal husbandry can't use anesthesia due to the potential for them remaining in food. And this is another "do we need another fight over blood sports"
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My inclination is towards being "for" this resolution at this time, challenges filed appear to be controversial at best.
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Against, due to the fact that much of animal husbandry can't use anesthesia due to the potential for them remaining in food. And this is another "do we need another fight over blood sports"
My understanding is that anesthesia is just one example of such a process. I would imagine rapid beheading in the case of smaller food animals, or stunning in the case of larger, would appropriately accomplish this effect.

Fair on the blood sports point. I won't argue with that.
Also, a point I noted elsewhere:

Resolution conflicts with itself and is unenforceable - target clause (2)(b)(i) conflict with (2)(b)(iv) - some species prefer solitude, such as certain bears, and forcing them not to be isolated is itself seriously endangering their mental health, creating a contradiction in the resolution itself.
It's been ruled legal, BUT, as the Legality ruling stated:

[7] In light of the prior paragraphs, we dismiss this challenge; the proposal may go forward. However, we also warn the proposal's author that this challenge has put the proposal in a hard place. If the proposal were to pass and become a resolution, a repeal alleging substantially the same things here claimed to be contradictory – a ban on many forms of hunting; a huge burden, approaching infeasibility, on measures to eradicate invasive species – would also receive deference and therefore also be legal. In other words, deference bites both ways.

Basically as far as I am concerned, it's an open season for Insta.
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