Pride Prom 2024: Opening and Closing Remarks from TW and TNP


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation
Opening remarks from @9003 (representing The Wellspring)

To The Wellspring, The North Pacific, and our allies and guests,

As we gather in this Discord server over the next week (and a bit), let us all recognize the vibrant spectrum of identities that enrich the NationStates community. Pride Month is not just a celebration of love and freedom; it is a powerful affirmation of equality and dignity. It is a time to honor the courage of those who have fought for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, and to commit ourselves to the ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice. By supporting Pride Month, The Wellspring and The North Pacific stand in solidarity with a movement that champions the fundamental human rights of all, regardless of whom they love or how they identify.

As part of our Pride Month festivities, we are excited to host a Pride Prom filled with awesome games and competitions. Join us for an unforgettable celebration as we come together in unity and joy.

Check out the ⁠card-competition start now! or if you are more of a writer look in ⁠✍writing-competition plus so many more cool and fun things!

To be able to talk and see more channels make sure to check out ⁠pick-your-flavors-here-reaction…!

Welcome one and all @everyone
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Opening remarks from Turbiatop (representing The Wellspring)

To The Wellspring, The North Pacific, and our allies and guests,

I also come here today to say thank you for coming to our festival to celebrate everything that is all about pride, friendship, and the courage and bravery LGBTQIA+ people have in getting out of the closet and being themselves in this world we live in. They all deserve our respect, kindness, and integrity to treat them as all equal people, the same as everyone else.

It is also a time to celebrate our partnership between TNP -TNP and our potential future relations in the future as treaty partners to each other and allies at heart. We respect how the TNP’s community is set up, how they do things, and championing democracy in the world of NationStates. They are the region we should desire in terms of democracy for other regions to strive to have to make sure all members of the NationStates world have their voice heard.

I am happy to see this festival happen, the beginnings of a term as Archmage of The Wellspring for me, and a fruitful future for everyone. Cheers to all who are here! @everyone
Opening remarks from @Simone (representing The North Pacific)

To The Wellspring, The North Pacific, and our allies and guests today,

As we gather in this Discord server over the next week (and a bit), let us all recognize the vibrant tapestry of identities that enrich the NationStates community. Pride Month is not just a celebration of love and freedom; it is a powerful affirmation of equality and dignity. It is a time to honor the courage of those who have fought for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, and to commit ourselves to the ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice.

By supporting Pride Month, TW and TNP stand in solidarity with everyone that champions the fundamental human rights of All of Us. Welcome all!
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Closing remarks from Turbiatop - Archmage of The Wellspring

Hello all, thanks for taking part in the Pride Prom. It has been a lot of successful days with cool games, movies, and community engagement coming from you folks’. We have conveyed the epitome of celebration of pride and LGBTQIA+ in a festival and NationStates. I enjoyed seeing all the cool music created for playlists, people enjoying the movies, and the fun moments we had together. I am happy to say, we had a great 1st successful pride prom event.

I personally want to thank a few great people who helped to plan and run this event together. First is @9003 - for being a great Archmage of The Wellspring as a predecessor and helping to set up this Pride Prom together as The Wellspring. @Icarus - is also a special mention for always being here to share ideas, push activity forward as the activity pusher, and bringing great vibes and energy with any festivals she partakes in. Thank you Icarus for always being a great vibe. A huge thanks and help to the fellow Delegate @Simone Republic - they have suggested an idea for a culture event between us and enabled TW-TNP to actually work and partner together to make this happen. You are the reason why this was created and started. Thanks to @NutmegTheSquirrel - for being a Culture minister to help add, get volunteers, and help coordinate with people in the TNP culture ministry to get this happening. Thanks for getting the human pool resources here. This is a huge appreciation and thanks for the biggest helpers of the festival and I couldn’t have done it without them.

There is one final moment of huge appreciation; it’s to you guys the community for joining and participating in the festivities. You are the ones who couldn’t have made this possible because we wouldn’t have anyone joining regardless. Thanks for being patient and participating in our festival. That makes me so happy to see. Now, I’ll be signing off!
Closing remarks from @Simone - Delegate of The North Pacific

Hello all, and to echo the statement from @Turbiatop - thank you all for joining in the TW-TNP Pride Prom. The event has been a great success, a demonstration of our joint commitment towards LGBTQIA+ and to each other as regions. Personally, I would also like to thank the organisers, @9003 , @Icarus, and @Turbiatop representing TW in this instance, and on the TNP end our team members (again, in alphabetical order), @Kaschovia , @Koopa103 , @Nutmeg The Squirrel , @Prov , @Picairn , and @Prydania .

Again, I would also like to thank all of the (on my count) 58 people who joined our inaugural Pride Prom. There's no community event without community, and many thanks for coming and hope you all had fun. I hope this will be an annual event in the future and look forward to many many years of continued success.

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