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Recognition of the Borlands
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: United Fortnite Emirates | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.Article One: Introduction
The Borlandian Experiment was a clandestine operation conducted by a mysterious entity to determine which method of governance would create the most utopian society. Settlers were sent across the globe to establish nations based on vastly different ideals, and eventually created four nations to varying degrees of success. The tales of this gang of four will be chronicled below.
Article Two: East Borland
The first Borlandian nation to be founded was East Borland, a nation ruled by an iron-fist ruler who severely punished miscreants and strictly enforced law and order. Whilst the intentions behind East Borland was to establish a society where no one would be harmed by no-gooders, the nation ended up morphing into a totalitarian regime saturated in corruption and often acted antithetical to the tenets of this August Assembly.
In particular, East Borland’s totalitarian dictator His Supreme Eminence instituted many cruel and unusual edicts such as a prohibition on video games, exceeding the maximum permitted age and even biological reproduction, all done to further oppress their poor underlings. The nation also openly endorsed slavery, to the point where payment via trading slaves was legal tender. These policies infamously led to the World Census declaring the nation as the least hospitable for tourists, not that it mattered as no one was permitted to enter anyways.
Article Three: Northern Borland
Northern Borland was by far the most (in)famous of the Borlandian nations, with its five #1 rankings in World Census charts and repeated attempts by others to recognise them in the Security Council cementing a place for them in the history books. The nation’s tenets aimed to protect liberties at all costs, whether it was in taxation (its citizens were the freest from taxation) or in employment (its workforce was the 3rd-most utilised).
The governance of Northern Borland had mixed results. As its marvellously efficient economy was able to transform its pizza delivery, cheese exporting and beverage bottling industries into global titans, many people benefitted from high-quality food and drinks. However, they were so delectable that people often overconsumed them, leading to over 99% of Northern Borlandians being obese. The lack of regulations and lax stance on weapon ownership also led to a litany of violent crimes being committed in the nation on a daily basis.
Article Four: Deep South Borland
Deep South Borland was a sleeping giant of a nation, eschewing modern conveniences such as aircraft and computers in favour of a lifetime of devotion to its state religion, “The Trust Fairy Tale Ever Told”. The Deep South Borlandite government placed a strong emphasis on supporting its community through primitivism and isolationism.
Deep South Borland’s deep commitment to non-interventionism and non-violence made it one of the most pacifist and safest nations in the world at its peak. The rejection of the industrial revolution also maintained the country’s pristine environment, serving as a model for all other nations to follow. However, Deep South Borland did not come without significant flaws. In particular, the strict adherence to the state religion, enforced via threats of the death penalty, represented a gross violation of the freedom of belief. In addition, the nation’s ban on video games also trampled on the rights of innocent gamers.
Article Five: Tzo
Tzo, a nation which did not use the ‘Borland’ branding in order to dissociate itself from the troubles of its brethren, is not widely known as one of the nations in the Borlandian Experiment. Tzo was founded on the principles of inclusivity and providing for the disadvantaged, and was a dutiful member of this indomitable institution.
In terms of the Borlandian Experiment, Tzo certainly fulfilled its goal of establishing a utopia. Its extensive funding into public education and the preservation of artefacts created a populace that was the most cultured in the world. Its highly intelligent people also rejected irrational bigoted beliefs, creating an astonishingly inclusive and compassionate society that maintained high spirits at all times. It even exceeded some of its fellow Borlandians in certain categories, such as the beauty of its natural environment compared to Deep South Borland and compliance with the law compared to East Borland, proving it to be the greatest of the four.
Article Six: Conclusion
In spite of the end of the Borlandian Experiment and subsequent dissolution of its constituent members, its lasting legacy on international debates on governance and dominance of the statistical charts will not be easily forgotten. It is of utmost international importance that its impact be recognised via a declaration.
Thus, the Security Council hereby declares the Borlandian Experiment to be amongst the most masterfully executed delves into statistical and political research ever.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
7 | 13 | 0 | 2 |
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