[SC, defeated] - Condemn Tinhampton

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Condemn Tinhampton
Category: < Condemnation > | Target: Tinhampton
Proposed by: The Ice States, Co-authored by: Honeydewistania | Onsite Topic

Understanding the importance of influence and power in the global political climate of today, but chastising those whose pursuit of the above causes extreme disruption and endangerment to others;

Incensed that Tinhampton is one such agent of chaos, the actions of which in the hallowed halls of the World Assembly (WA) and beyond have destroyed the livelihoods of many;

Shocked that, despite governing a small city-state, the government of Tinhampton has funded a horrifyingly colossal WA department, with an unending roster of ambassadors churning out hundreds of WA legislation drafts in an attempt to inundate these consecrated corridors;

Dismayed by Tinhampton's scattershot antics in the General Assembly (GA) chambers, which include:

  • proposing legislation on various irrelevant non-issues such as a WA Peace Prize and an international “clap for carers” day, squandering valuable gnomic resources;

  • recklessly repealing numerous important GA resolutions, leading to consequences ranging from the loss of exquisite WA-sponsored merchandise to the destruction of marine environments and genocidal war criminals evading capture; and

  • terminating copyrights over countless items of intellectual property under the guise of "civil rights" via "Protecting Public Domain Dedications", risking the profitability of the arts, sciences and other important fields;

Disappointed that Tinhampton's shenanigans in the Security Council (SC) have not fared much better, where in addition to flooding its chambers with trite such as wishy-washy virtue-signalling declarations on equality and self-determination as well as shiny badges for "hot topic of the day nations" with no lasting international legacy, it praised the policy papers produced by 's propagandistic and malicious think tanks via "Commend Sacara", with one encouraging nations to deport all immigrants and another to burn down temples of peaceful worshippers;

Stunned that, despite having the ignominy of proposing a record-breaking 26 defeated-at-vote proposals, Tinhampton has taken it upon themselves to operate an archive of every defeated SC proposal ever in a desperate attempt to profit off its own failures and secure its infamy;

Perturbed at Tinhampton's vicious "verbal feng shui" tactic, in which Tinhamptonian ambassadors prey on inexperienced authors by offering to rewrite their WA drafts to make them more "acceptable", an attempt to further the Tinhamptonian agenda and gain a shred of legitimacy in these chambers whilst throwing these newer authors under the bus should things go awry;

Distraught at Tinhampton's forays into the world of sports in an attempt to feign legitimacy through cultural participation and sportswash its own misdemeanors, including:

  • granting "independence" to its ex-colony Saint Eleanor, when in reality the Tinhamptonian government controls the nation as a puppet state, concentrating their sports resources there, Saint Eleanor being a disgustingly luxurious and oil-rich nation, that bankrolls their leagues and national teams despite little grassroots support, leading to a highly undeserved victory in the 84th Cup of Harmony by an Eleanorian team managed by Priscilla Evans (from Tinhampton's winning team in the 73rd Cup of Harmony); and

  • exploiting the well-regarded names of Alasdair I Frosticus, Nephara, and Cassadaigua by writing commendations for them in the SC, solely to increase Tinhampton and Saint Eleanor's public images in the WA and sporting worlds respectively,

Abhorring Tinhampton for stirring up conflict in foreign nations before swooping in and "solving" issues, a twisted and sovereignty-violating method to grasp at what straws of recognition and legitimacy it could find, which include:

  • "One in the Arm for Leader?", where Tinhampton latched onto Turbeaux’s well-intentioned mission to reduce drug overdoses to propose the prohibition of needle exchanges in thousands of nations, trampling on public health; and

  • "Profitable for Doctrine", an award-winning yet sinister policy paper which took advantage of an ongoing debate on the taxation of holy texts to promote the defunding of public welfare and infrastructure;

Believing that Tinhampton's reckless quest for soft power has wreaked havoc on an international scale, and that a condemnation from this body would bring a halt to their calamitous clout chase;

The Security Council hereby condemns Tinhampton.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The proposal at hand condemns Tinhampton (widely known in GA circles as Tin), one of the most prolific authors in the World Assembly, criticising her as an agent of chaos, "churning out hundreds of WA legislation drafts in an attempt to inundate these consecrated corridors" and her so-called "vicious "verbal feng shui" tactic", where Tin co-authors rewrites of WA drafts from newer WA writers whilst throwing them under the bus should things go awry.


Although this type of condemns is normally reserved for RPers who play villainous characters, our problem with this condemnation is that everything said (except for the bit on sports for which we reserve judgment) is actually true with regards to Tin. Tin has been (quote) "a chronic opportunistic ambulance chaser" who rarely if ever listens to any feedback on her proposals and has a very high failure rate in terms of resolutions failing to pass (she holds the record at 26), compared to other prolific authors in the WA. The fact that many members of MoWAA have pleasant conversations with Tin on Discord does not hide these flaws.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the at-vote SC resolution, "Condemn Tinhampton".
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For (non-WA). I do not disclaim bias as co-author here, but I'm not seeing a compelling reason that a 36x WA Author should not be C/C'ed.
Okay since you asked, I guess I have to state this clearly here as well. Adapted from what I have said elsewhere:

Why would the WA recognize an ambulance chaser author who unironically cries cancel culture to defend odious players and consistently contributes shoddy drafts defying efforts by others to improve? If I had to identify a prominent WA player who engages in bad faith and embodies opportunism, Tinhampton would be top of my list.

When this prospect came up in the past it was in the context of a joke C/C and I said that a joke commendation or condemnation would be wasted because Tinhampton would enjoy the attention and at some point would proudly cite it as if it was a sincere honor until people would start to think it was. This is even worse because it’s actually trying to be a legit condemnation. I understand that standards fell through the floor and the SC is truly almost entirely a small club patting itself on the back. 36 authorships, that’s the extent of your argument? Quantity over quality I guess is all it takes now to get a badge, I actually find this ironic given that the drop in standards that led to some people getting commended largely on the back of their resolution writing when they didn’t have many to highlight can now lower the bar for Tinhampton given the sheer spam that has ensued in the last few years.

There was a time when Tinhampton’s shenanigans in the WA would have meant that engaged WA veterans would not take this prospect seriously, and a time when WA watchers who applied a standard for the kind of person being recognized would decline to participate because of that behavior elsewhere. Those days are clearly over. Fortunately, however, the WA clique isn’t the only, or even most significant, source of votes on these proposals, and I suspect their standards will be higher in this case.

I am against. And I would further add that this isn’t just about timing or fleshing out the scope from it narrow view. This is something that should never happen, given the history involved. And if it does, for me personally if no one else, it would clearly signal the extent to which the WA has turned a dark corner, and it’s not one that bodes well for its future, or is one I’m inclined to follow.
The very strange complaints about a "clique" aside (rhetoric I've primarily seen used by anti-GA trolls, such as LWU during the quorum raiding), nobody is claiming that Tinhampton does not write a lot of bad proposals -- I have certainly found myself opposing many of her proposals, for instance. The whole point of this resolution is that they also contribute a lot of good proposals; from the repeal of Marine Protection Act I co-authored to Protecting Public Domain Dedications. Their contributions to the SC are especially so; see the various NS Sport commendations they have written, or resolutions Commend Sacara and Commend Valentine Z for Issues-related contributions.

The proposal isn't even entirely about the WA either; issues authorship and sports roleplay are also mentioned and make up a very substantial portion of the resolution. Regarding "unironically cr[ying] cancel culture to defend odious players", that was over two years ago. I did far worse things over two years ago than one forum post. I haven't seen any similar behaviour repeated since; Commend Owlograd, likewise, they recently explicitly and publicly apologised for.
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