Rewan Demontay
- Discord
- rewandemontay
Ministry of Cards: Opening Opening Address 1/31/2023
A bit late, late for an opening address, I am aware, and that in itself is quite the understatement. However, our regularly scheduled card activities are back on track and will stay as such, I assure you. This is merely a belated confirmation that no more abnormal happenings shall take place unless specifically stated, as what happened for a couple of months last year. The advent of season three renewed interest in cards overall, which will not go unignored.
We give our infinite thanks and eternal gratitude to @r3naissanc3r for swiftly updating the queries to the card community as a whole.
To start, I’d like to give my great thanks to @Fauzjhia for helping us out massively, as the newest Deputy Minister of Cards. Between me, @DGES, and him, the Great Giveaway will be operational full time, and other things maintained. I am glad to see that the Cards Shark program is faring decently under their watch.
I’ll admit I fell into a stupor from maintaining the ship and not quite asking for help, which collapsed my will for some weeks. The whole story I know not myself in a weird way, just that I sometimes *leave* things behind and shut myself off at times. Those times, however, in relation to cards, shall end. I hope to snap my fully snap my lucid trance of doing nothing for the responsibilities I have sworn to do. However, I will not do it alone from now on, and I swear to keep myself in check.
Not much has happened since season three and mechanics changes to the TNP cards guild. ne quick thing to note is that we disabled World Assembly epic gifting program due to the vast pool of epics being leaked to puppets and those who will never do anything with cards. This is to prevent drainage of our stock faster than should happen.
To keep it sweet and short, as was compiled in Hulldom’s election campaign, here is what *shall* be done this term.
- The top priority will be the 2023 Cards Symposium, coming in March. Much to be done, and much to do. We will need all the help we can get!
- Updating our dispatches, guides, and telegrams up to be up to date, such as reading “[Outdated]” in the title if it is.
- One or two more weekly programs keep the spirit of cards alive–ideas pending and welcome.
- Reimplenting executive cards rewards in a reasonable, consistent, and easy to keep track off manner.
Going through and correcting typos, and tweaking a few thingLaudesias here and there in the cards
forum, is also in order.
To another term of cards for all, and helping each other out this time around, for all our mental health combined.
Thanks for coming to my Card Talk,
Rewan Demontay
@DGES , @9003 , @Fregerson , @Aerilia , @artiza , @Rocketdog @Dreadton , @Inven , @2 and 2 is Fish , @Marcus Antonius , @A27M Cromwell (NBU) , @Pallaith , @Gorundu , @Darklord , @FalconMoon , @QuietDad , @Fauzjhia , @Yuno , @Comfed , @Peeps , @BorkWI , @Skaraborg , @Tringapore , @B Couple , @Ayuzh , @Treekidistan , @Loh , @simone_republic , @Katyarad , @realesthebinkles , @Caius , @Sitethief , @Flasankia trash , @Lillie_James , @Kappacon , @United free lands , @CSlater , @LuckyDan , @Fili , @UnShleepd , @New Makasta , @Maxog3n , @Fael , @north macaronesia, @TheLandOfFunFunFun, @Epicurus, @LordLion, @Anarchisticstan, @Malta Comino Gozo, @MaxDistructo, @Slotark, @castilho, @Chairman Meow, @Oceania, @Jag, @AlexOannia, @Seanat, @IHateRights, @Mondstadt K., @Magecastle, @Kap03land, @Zaz, @Hulldom, @Northland, @Namwenia, @Tape, @Laudesia, @Conklandi, @Sanyotska, @Furballland, @Sahand Hajar, @Noah's Second Country, @Joshbly, @realesthebinkles, @Space Nerd, @Djeeta, @Concreete Slab, @Chipoli, @Raze4435