[SC - PASSED] Commend Elegarth

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Commend Elegarth
Category: Commendation | Target: Elegarth
Proposed by: Giovanniland, Co-authored by: Aluminum Oxynitride | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,
Believing the building and strengthening of regional communities to be commendable, and introducing Elegarth as a nation that has not only dedicated their time for such in two major regions, but has also contributed in other notable interregional acts;

Recognizing Elegarth's long-term service in the West Pacific (TWP), where they were entrusted with the protection of the region as a Guardian of the West and faithfully served in the position from May to November 2015 and September 2016 to July 2017;

Celebrating Elegarth’s contributions to the restoration of the native government of TWP when rogue Delegate United russoasia willingly gave control of the region to the invader group DEN and allowed this organization to suppress and banject natives, as Elegarth led a resistance of residents and fellow Guardians while also reaching the second most endorsements before being banished from the region, taking a toll on United RussoAsia's influence and allowing long-term resident Mediobogdum to retake the Delegacy soon after;

Lauding Elegarth's role in leading TWP after Mediobogdum's transitional delegacy by serving as Delegate from November 2015 to September 2016, during which they created the Code of Conduct that outlines the rules for a healthy community, and contributed to regional culture by developing the weekly Punday Monday event, promoting creative wordplay and jokes as a source of activity and entertainment;

Impressed by Elegarth's extraordinary ability to improve foreign relations by authoring several treaties during their Delegacy, including but not limited to the re-ratification of the TWP-Equilism Treaty, strengthening the original version signed in 2013 and furthering the signatories' long-term friendship; and the Treaty of Friendship between Europeia and TWP, which created a robust relationship and laid the basis for cultural events and exchanges that occur to this day;

Cognizant of Elegarth's satellite state in the Pacific, The Seeker of Power, and acknowledging its role in rebuilding the region's credibility after the 2018 revelations of harmful acts (such as infiltration of the sinker regions Osiris and Lazarus) that earned the region a condemnation by Security Council Resolution #268, an effort that succeeded through the recent repeal of the condemnation via Resolution #355;

Believing that The Seeker of Power played an instrumental role in the Pacific's recovery via restarting its foreign affairs as Legatus, in which they revamped the region's diplomatic corps membership and rebuilt the Pacific's relations across the multiverse, with examples of such relations being:
  • the Better Together treaty with TWP, which encouraged the co-hosting of interregional events such as the Burning Marsupial festival with TWP and Karma; and
  • the restoration of embassies with the North Pacific, the South Pacific, and Europeia, including non-aggression pacts with the latter two as a sign of stepping forward past regional grievances;
Extolling The Seeker of Power's work as Consul of the Pacific, a position held since October 2019 as second-in-command to the Emperor (Delegate), in which they continuously ensure regional safety by having the second highest amount of regional endorsements for two years running, oversee discussions in the Pacific Senate to ensure government progress, and advance diplomacy with the current Legatus (and commended nation) Xoriet through emphasizing cultural interactions and maintaining venues for important discussions with treatied allies;

Lionizing Elegarth's contributions to the international artwork community by being one of the few traders to complete a set of legendary rarity artwork from both the first and second editions, and by aiding in the development of the Pacific's regional artwork program through training other nations like Vylixan to maintain the program's activity;

Praising Elegarth's work in spreading awareness about autism throughout the multiverse through the creation of the well-received NationStates' Autism Acceptance and Education Week campaign during the month of April, as well as helping run regional events like TWP's Autism Awareness Month in 2020, which featured a question and answer event on the Regional Message Board to break misconceptions about the theme; and

Concluding that Elegarth's contributions to various aspects of the world are worthy of immense praise and recognition;

Hereby commends Elegarth.

Co-author: Aluminum Oxynitride
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend Elegarth" has passed 13,161 votes (88.8%) to 1,656 (11.2%).
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This resolution hopes to commend Elegarth for their actions in the West Pacific and the Pacific. These actions include leading a resistance against an invasion of TWP and rebuilding its native Government, rebuilding the Pacific’s reputation while serving as Consul and Regent in that region, establishing new foreign ties for both regions, and strengthening existing ones. It also celebrates Elegarth’s contributions to cultural understanding through their promotion of international artwork collecting in the Pacific and their promotion of autism awareness in the West.

First off, we should note that this draft is very well written and does an incredible job in communicating the nominee's commend-worthiness. It is clear that Elegarth has made a tremendously important and positive impact on two of the largest regions on NationStates and the game as a whole. It is also clear how Elegarth has been an instrumental player in the destinies of the West Pacific and the Pacific, especially in the realm of diplomacy. Additionally, their efforts to foster cultural appreciation and understand are well acknowledged, especially in this Ministry where their efforts to promote autism awareness are concerned as our Minister, Boston Castle, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at age 3. Overall, this resolution showcases an impact player we are shocked hadn't been commended before and who we are thrilled to support a Commendation for.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Elegarth”.

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Absolutely and resolutely For [non-WA]. An excellent draft and a wonderful nominee.
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As a brief update, this is in the queue and is going to vote at the top of the hour at Minor Update.
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