[SC - PASSED] Condemn Dalimbar

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Condemn Dalimbar
Category: Condemnation | Target: Dalimbar
Proposed by: Giovanniland | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Introducing Dalimbar as a nation that not only actively undermined the sovereignty of various regions throughout several years, but also emboldened other despicable nations to do the same;

Alarmed by Dalimbar's repeated subversion of the North Pacific's legitimate government, via the satellite state of Chodean Kal, performing such detestable deeds as:
  • winning the February 2007 delegate elections against Emperor matthuis (EM) by enacting a heinous plan in which outsiders not only manipulated the election by voting for Chodean Kal but also made EM pass Great Bights Mum in endorsements, thus appearing like EM couped the region and successfully shifting the public's opinion;
  • refusing to leave once their delegate term was over as mandated by regional laws, instead staying on the seat for three more weeks until August 2007 and blaming regional stagnation as the reason for this villainous action, even going so far as to dissolve the regional government and banish many long term residents during the illegitimate part of their delegacy;
  • sowing chaos in the region when EM couped it in October 2007, during which Neo Kervoskia and Chodean Kal colluded to publicly support the couping side and the opposition respectively while privately manipulating both sides;
  • aiding the coup of January 2008, perpetrated by Westwind through the satellite state Lewis and Clark, that established the Crimson Order, in which Chodean Kal served as Lord Marshal General to command a new military after the destruction of the region's previous defender military that had been in existence for several years, and also led the Crimson Order's foreign affairs, strategy, and infiltration of opposition;
Disturbed that Dalimbar used the alias of Lady Anastasia to create the Empire (a notorious group that enacted multiple coups within several large regions) alongside Minineenee (Lady Phedre) and Neo Kervoskia (Lord Griffin), serving within the Imperial Council in the roles of Lady of the Shadows and Coordinator of Consolidation and Expansion to manage the Empire's intelligence and foreign affairs respectively, ultimately contributing to the success of the Empire's actions;

Appalled by Lady Anastasia's contributions to the Empire's coup of the East Pacific in August 2008, during which they created propaganda against the natives, declared war on nearly every feeder and sinker, and nearly convinced Delegate The faeyas of the West Pacific (TWP) to sign a treaty in which TWP would recognize the Empire as the legitimate East Pacifican government; all while their masters in Dalimbar held the position of Magister in the overthrown government and continued to serve as Delegate of Equilismuntil Lady Anastasia's identity was uncovered, demonstrating Dalimbar's atrocious ability of keeping secret identities separate to trick the international community for months;

Horrified by Dalimbar's aid in the December 2012 coup spearheaded by Neo Kervoskia against the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, in which these two then-members of the Council of Ma'at (the regional security council) revealed their true colors by flying the Empire's flag and seizing the Delegate seat for twelve hours each, during which a purge of over 500 Osiran residents was conducted in order to destabilize the region;

Dismayed by Dalimbar's support of other nations' plans to overthrow the legitimate governments of other Feeder regions, including, but not limited to:
  • Wickedly evil people's January 2009 takeover of the West Pacific, with Dalimbar serving as the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, assisting in the rogue government's foreign relations and its hold onto power for over 100 days, which influenced the end of democracy in the region and the rise of an authoritarian government based on delegate supremacy that continues to this day;
  • Sedgistan's May 2011 takeover of the South Pacific, orchestrated through the secret satellite state of Devonitians, during which Dalimbar convinced multiple raider regions to help in the operation, only to later publicly reveal Devonitians' true identity in an attempt to cause internal upheaval within the Rejected Realms (an ally of the South Pacific), where Sedgistan was involved in the government at the time; and
Surprised that a nation with such history has not yet been reprehended by this Council, and warning other nations not to go down this path of regional subversion;

Hereby condemns Dalimbar.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Condemn Dalimbar" has passed 12,083 votes (83.8%) to 2,336 (16.2%).
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This resolution seeks to issue a formal Condemnation of Dalimbar, a nation that has engaged in subversive activities against numerous regions, most notably for this Ministry The North Pacific itself. Their acts of subversion against The North Pacific were carried out over a prolonged period of time, and spanned from triumphing in February of 2007's Delegacy elections through manipulating public opinion by making it appear as though their counterpart Emperor Matthuis had carried out a coup against the incumbent Delegate, to assisting the January 2008 coup perpetrated by Westwind; where Dalimbar served as commander of the newly established Crimson Order's military. Other notable acts of manipulation, subversion, and outright aggression that Dalimbar engaged in include the creation of Empire, the notorious region-couping cabal, and their declaration of war against nearly every feeder and sinker region following Empire's coup of The East Pacific.

The resolution establishes Dalimbar's treacherous, vicious misdeeds in their fully twisted glory. Especially of grave concern by this Ministry are Dalimbar's multiple villainous acts perpetrated against our own region, which we recognize as machinations of a particularly cunning nature given our utter helplessness at the time to their actions. The gall demonstrated by Dalimbar through their declaration of interregional war- no doubt amplified in its severity by the fact that Dalimbar orchestrated this action through a false identity - is particularly disturbing to us. As such, it is fitting that the Security Council issues a Condemnation against Dalimbar for the cunning devices employed against the interregional community across many years. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Condemn Dalimbar".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Frankly, I'm torn. I mean, I like Dali and he fully deserves a condemn. But I have to ask, what has he done to us lately?
While many things are degraded by time, I don't think such notable achievements should be. We've had other examples of condemnations with the bulk of the actions happening over a decade ago, such as Condemn Minineenee, or for an even farther example, Condemn Atlantic. Nevertheless, the achievements are still as important to NS history as they were at the time and should IMO be recognized. Not to mention some of the impacts of Dali's actions are still very much present today.

Also worth noting is the fact that three different people did attempt the Condemn Dali idea before, but all of these drafts went inactive (or their authors left NS altogether) before they could be completed. Rather unfortunate, I must say, but at least we have the chance to rectify that now.
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This proposal has received the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Wednesday's Major Update.
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