[SC - PASSED] Declaration On Crabs Of The Apocalypse

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Declaration On Crabs Of The Apocalypse
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Concrete Slab | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Aware of the existence of annual nuclear apocalypses, also known as "N-Day," where groups called "factions" compete with each other for nuclear dominance; these nuclear apocalypses being so prominent that this august body passed Security Council Resolution #369 to bring attention to this phenomenon,

Asserting that the sixth instance of N-Day has recently concluded across the multiverse,

Thankful that the home of the Security Council has been left relatively undamaged,

Observing, however, that one faction stood alone atop the smoldering wasteland of the multiverse, a feat never before seen,

Astounded to declare that the faction known as “Crabs of the Apocalypse,” henceforth known as “COTA,” has summarily obliterated any other faction that stood in their way in a devastating show of nuclear power,

Dismayed that COTA claimed an overwhelming victory against the only other faction who rose to challenge them in an attempt to save the multiverse from annihilation, “The Potato Alliance,”

Distraught that, while The Potato Alliance may have included some of the most expansive regions of nations in the multiverse, they stood no chance against the might of COTA,

Acknowledging that COTA and TPA had a mutual defense pact for the first twelve hours of the nuclear apocalypse, which turned into a non-aggression pact until hour fourteen,

Lauding the bravery of the spuds of The Potato Alliance for using all of their strength in one final, desperate attack against COTA by providing notice that they were breaking the non-aggression pact,

Heartbroken that even after the final stand of The Potato Alliance, COTA sustained little damage and responded with a devastating counterattack that filled TPA to the brim with radiation,

Noting that the smell of baked potatoes will linger across the multiverse for months to come,

Flabbergasted that once COTA was assured in their dominance, they were able to create many satellite factions that stood stalwart against the multiverse’s most desperate and ultimately futile attacks, displaying a victory for crabs everywhere across the top of the multiverse; the top ten factions in nuclear dominance, as ranked by the world census, were in fact puppet factions of COTA, showing the sheer, terrifying power of crabs,

Further nothing that, even though evolution dictates all beings must become crabs, nuclear annihilation was an extremely problematic way to cause this inevitability to come to pass,

Curious about the implications this overwhelming show of strength will have on the phenomenon known as “N-Day” in future occurrences,

Terrified that no faction will ever be able to match the strength of COTA for as long as N-Day ensues across the multiverse,

Timidly congratulating COTA for their domination of almost every sphere of nuclear warfare during the event,

Hereby declares Crabs of the Apocalypse as the most powerful nuclear faction to ever terrorize the multiverse.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Declaration on Crabs of the Apocalypse" has passed 10,507 votes (74.0%) to 3,692 (26.0%). This is author Concrete Slab's 2nd passed Security Council Resolution.
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This particular Declaration refers to the “Crabs of The Apocalypse”, a faction that emerged during the last N-Day event just passed which went on to win the event overwhelmingly. The intent of this particular declaration is best summed up by the author in their statement “Declares Crabs of the Apocalypse as the most powerful nuclear faction to ever terrorise the multiverse” which, at least until next year, is probably very true.

What’s easy to like about this particular proposal is the author has leaned into the less serious side of gameplay by adding a joking aspect to approval. But, despite the jovial tone, it’s well written and its obvious that the author didn’t just piece it together impulsively and throw it into the queue. It certainly is one of the more lighthearted proposals to come before the Security Council which if "Declaration on Hippopotamuses” is anything to go by, which is a nice direction to see the SC going.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Declaration on Crabs of the Apocalypse".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Major Update in approximately 87 minutes.
For. I mean, folks, TPA got creamed, and TNP were toast. Congratulations to the crabs for eating our lunch. We were the baked potatoes and got thoroughly skinned. (If I can think of more lame food related puns I'd spice it up a bit more).
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"Declaration on Crabs of the Apocalypse" has passed 10,507 votes (74.0%) to 3,692 (26.0%). This is author Concrete Slab's 2nd passed Security Council Resolution.
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