[GA - PASSED] Promoting Democratic Stability Act

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Promoting Democratic Stability Act
Category: Furtherment of Democracy | Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Hulldom | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Recognizing the late repeal of GA#130,

Believing that promoting democratic transitions is a noble goal and one that should continue to be a priority, hereby:
  1. The following terms are defined for the purpose of this Act:
    1. ”Ballot” as any national vote held specifically to determine what policy or policies a Government is to adopt.
    2. “Election” as any vote held for the purposes of electing an individual into a legislative or executive office.
  2. Member states are bound to the following policies in the conduct of all local, regional, and national ballots and elections:
    1. No person shall, under penalty or cover of law, be forced to disclose for whom or what position they voted or be discriminated against on those grounds.
    2. All persons shall have the opportunity to cast their vote in private and without interference from outside parties.
    3. No person shall be discriminated against in casting their vote by virtue of how they choose to cast their vote or for not casting a vote.
    4. No person shall be disallowed from casting a vote due to some immutable characteristic such as race, biological sex, gender, disability, or any other class which may be protected under national or international law.
  3. Member states are encouraged to monitor for, and prosecute, fraudulent or dishonest practices relating to elections or ballots held in their state.
  4. The Office of Electoral Administration (hereinafter the OEA) will only enter a member state to assist with or monitor an election or ballot if that member state requests it.
  5. However, individual member states are reserved the right to set all further regulations pertaining to elections.
  6. OEA officials must investigate allegations of voter intimidation, voter fraud, and other fraudulent or dishonest practices relating to elections in which they have been invited to serve as a monitoring party and must report any and all violations of the practices found in (2) to the World Assembly Compliance Commission for consideration of further sanction.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Promoting Democratic Stability Act" has passed 10,160 votes (70.8%) to 4,185 (29.2%). This is author Hulldom's 3rd General Assembly Resolution.
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The at-vote General Assembly resolution, "Promoting Democratic Stability Act", provides an outline for basic rights with regards to an election and other ballots/referenda. It makes it so that no individual may be forced to disclose who or what they voted for, and to vote in privacy, as well as creating regulations for not being able to discriminate against somebody based on how they voted, including not voting. On top of this, it reaffirms the right for people to not be discriminated against in the voting process based on arbitrary characteristics, including but not limited to race, gender, and disability. It then utilized the Office of Electoral Administration to oversee elections, should nations request it, and look into violations of these electoral policies and other misconduct related to voting.

The resolution does a good job of creating a lot of provisions - it is a sensible, straight-forward resolution. The clauses do not do anything so ambitious as to create a burden, but merely ensures that everyone within democracies has a fair voice when it comes to determining power structures and policy. One of the biggest worries with a resolution such as this is that it will put democracies at a disadvantage to autocracies, but the author does a good job with avoiding this. Overall, this is a good, sensible piece of legislation that serves as a fine replacement for GAR#130.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Promoting Democratic Stability Act".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote
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This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being marked illegal (I'm the author :P), it will proceed to a vote at Tuesday's Major Update.
"Promoting Democratic Stability Act" has passed 10,160 votes (70.8%) to 4,185 (29.2%). This is author Hulldom's 3rd passed General Assembly Resolution.
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